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Ayurveda Herbs For Hair

Ayurveda Herbs For Hair

Why We Fall Ill

Dr. Sonica Krishan

Are you losing hair more often these days? Untimely hair fall is rapidly becoming one of the prime reasons of worry all over the globe. A simple malady of hair-fall when overlooked consequently gives rise to other more grim problems like mental anxiety, a low social image and other psychic tribulations. As in most of the ailments, an early cure makes it quite helpful in getting rid of hair-fall.

Why do you have hair-fall?

Although the ailment manifests under a number of factors like seasonal changes, heredity, lack of balanced daily diet etc, aggravated mental states of anger, worry and tension tend to precipitate the malady. Other reasons include presence of dandruff, under nourished hair and pathogenic organism in some cases.

Ayurveda Insight for Hair-fall

In Ayurveda therapy, the ailment of hair-fall is termed as ‘Khalitya’. It is believed that hair-fall is mainly due to imbalance of the Pitta or the fire humor in the body. The Pitta humor that is also present in the distal end of the pores of the hair is easily affected by distortion in the air body humor. Thus whenever due to some contributing factors, air and fire humors tend to lose their balance, this virtually results into the ailment of hair-fall.

Ayuveda Herbs Help Prevent Hair-fall

  • Ayurveda herb called ‘Bhringraj’ is generally prescribed both for the ailments of hair-fall as well as premature graying of the hair. This herb is advised to be taken orally in the form of a powder and also to be applied externally onto the scalp in the form of medicated oil.
  • The powder of the herb ‘Aamla’ or the Indian Gooseberry is also quite beneficial in treating the malady. Approximately one teaspoon is to be taken twice a day on an empty stomach.
  • Trifla is another Ayurveda herb formulation that aids in combating hair-fall. Use it externally as hair wash and also take it internally as cleansing medicine.
  • Gentle massage of the scalp with medicated herb oil or sesame seeds oil, mustard oil or coconut oil is a must preferably half to one hour prior to head wash is recommended at least twice a week.
  • In case dandruff reasons hair-fall, an herbal home remedy is to mix a piece of Camphor in hair oil and massage it into the scalp on alternate days or twice a week.
  • Some Ayurvedic formulations like Navayas lauh, Swarn Makshik, Trifla etc have proved valuable for curing the malady of hair fall.
  • ‘Bhram Rasayan’ is another Ayurveda Formulation that generates a calming and soothing effect of the brain nerves and as well tends to uproot the basic cause of the ailment of hair-fall.

Ayurveda Tips to Reduce Hair-Fall

  • Try and avoid mental stress as much as possible. It is one of the basic causes of hair-fall.
  • Daily practice of meditation and breathing exercises tend to calm and soothe the nerves of the brain and scalp. This improves the blood circulation and strengthens hair roots, thus preventing hair-fall.
  • Your diet should be well nourished with a good amount of protein like soy products and sprouts, natural fiber, ample supplement of vitamins and minerals and milk products, some butter and cow’s ghee.
  • Increase your daily water intake so as to wash away the accumulated toxins in the body.
  • A sound sleep for seven hours is a must.
  • Try avoiding suppression of the natural urges of urine, stool and flatus, as it tends to aggravate the malady of hair-fall.
  • Constipated bowels need to be eased with intake of mild laxative.
  • High salt and sour food intake should be restricted as this reasons hair-fall.
  • Excessive washing of the hair, treating the hair with hot water and using more of synthetic shampoos and conditioners prove harmful for the hair resulting in hair-fall.
  • Hair-fall during seasonal transition and during advancing years needs not be considered as a matter of serious concern.


Dr. Sonica krishan is Ayurveda and Natural Lifestyle Consultant, Freelance Health Writer and Books Author based at Chandigarh, India. She has authored natural home cure books ‘Herbal Healers’ and ‘Home Remedies’ and is presently writing for National and International publications. She may be contacted at drsonica@herboveda.co.in or visit www.herboveda.co.in



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