So how obsessed are we with bums?
In Brazil, hundreds of women vie for having the best pair of butts in a pageant aptly called Miss Bum Bum. It’s a yearly event that always attracts a lot of media attention and millions of residents who are more than ready to vote. What’s more, they do have strict qualifications, so it is often considered a prestigious competition.
In the United States, though there are still more women who go for breast augmentation, the number of those who had their butt cheeks implanted, lifted, or augmented also increased to more than 45 percent, based on the 2011 data provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Destiny’s Child had “Bootylicious,” J. Lo became more famous because of it, and more men learn to judge women by the shape of their bums.
Do You Have One?
In recent years, the butt has become one of the main factors used to determine if you’re sexy or even healthy. So what if you don’t have the butt of Kim Kardashian? Is it time to mope? No, because, lady, you’ve got all the help you need.
Read the Booty Bible.
The Booty Bible is the work of Alicia Marie, an Elite Fitness coach and a personal trainer for many years. She writes her own column, appears in several wellness magazines and TV shows, and manages Fitpop.com, a website for every health enthusiast.
Inspired by the lady superheroes of DC Comics, she started becoming interested with fitness as early as 8 and went to pursue it during her teens.
The Booty Bible is a culmination of everything she has learned in her passion and profession: how you can train the muscles around the butt such as the gluttes to be firmer and stronger, eventually lifting your cheeks higher.
It took years in the making, but it’s definitely worth the wait, considering the amount of information that it contains. Aside from the various exercises that guarantee butt shape, the Booty Bible also lists the types of food that help build the muscles. Yes, it also tells you that you don’t get big butts from eating a lot of fat.
Those who have read the book also praised the inclusion of illustrations and diagrams, making this book much easier to read and understand than the other titles on the shelves.
The Booty Bible is still available, and you can buy it straight from Amazon. Or if you’re usually on the go, download it in your Kindle or Nook. This way, you don’t have to miss any of the butt training and tips.
You can still get in touch with Alicia Marie via Twitter as well as her website. In fact, you’ll also read articles and tips from other popular fitness gurus like Marla Miller (who co-authored the book), Paul Nyhart, and Michelle Ballenger.
The Booty Bible doesn’t transform your butt into an overnight sensation, but if you’re willing to stick to its teachings, you’ll be shaking them the soonest possible time.
INTERNATIONAL fitness supermodel and veteran health lifestyle writer Alicia Marie decided that she wanted to get into fitness at the age of eight after spotting a comic book shot of DC Comic’s Wonder Woman kicking the pants off some bad guys – while decked out in star-studded little shorts.
Fast-forward a few short years (and even fashion runways) later and ALICIA is now a published author (The Booty Bible™), an internationally recognized television and multi-media personality, a magazine cover model, a fitness wear designer (Alicia Marie by Rogiani) and a celebrity health guru. Not only does she pen her own column, ASK ALICIA, for Oxygen Magazine and several health features for many publications and websites including Men’s Edge, Essence, Muscle & Fitness HERS, Fitness RX, SELF and Fitness Magazine, to name a few, but Alicia also opened a couple fresh cans of whoop-booty on MTV: Music Television as a MADE fitness coach and as one of the featured health experts on Kirstie Alley’s My Big Life.
In addition to writing fitness books – she is currently the Editor-in-Chief of www.fitPOP.com a fun, informational fitness and pop culture web destination for women AND the star of her own health and nutrition video series, “Alicia Marie’s CARDIO WORLD” (WATCH NOW on FitPOP.com or on the series’ YouTube channel).
Alicia is a NASM elite fitness coach with a degree in Neuroscience from the University of Connecticut and she has completed Broadcast Journalism studies from Columbia University…and yes, that is her rear in the Jergen’s body lotion advert.