My SHOCKing Trip to Toronto, Canada!
Since the age of 10, I have been studying metaphysical principles, universal laws and truth after being introduced to the teachings of the Reverend Doctor Johnnie Colemon. I am a staunch believer in and proponent of the idea that prosperity is our birthright. On a below-freezing day in February 2001, I was flown to Toronto by Bob Proctor, for three days to facilitate a keynote for his 3% Club Summit, and that experience further engrained my belief.
It was there that I opened my mind to the possibility of producing Shock Wealth™ because I was introduced to a mindset. Webster defines a mindset as 1) a mental attitude or inclination or 2) a fixed state of mind.
I define a mindset as something that shifts your current way of thinking; a paradigm; a new perception. When I was exposed to Bob Proctor for those three days, it altered my state of mind and permanently changed my mindset. By the time I left Toronto, I was on a newly empowered, wealth building journey, a journey that would eventually lead me to the creation of The Shock Wealth System™.
Ponder these shocking thoughts…
1. You are already rich. You just forgot and nobody told you!
Financial struggle and poverty are addictions. According to Karen McCall, founder of the Financial Recovery Institute, Under-earning is a financial disorder, a money-related emotional problem right up there with compulsive spending and chronic debiting.
2. Whatever you are being paid right now…it’s not enough!
Whatever you are being paid or earning right now is not enough. There is always more, and you should not settle for less or allow someone to dictate how much you are worth. This is not from a standpoint of greed but simply from the law of conservation—there is always another level in evolution.
3. Money does grow on trees!
Who makes the trees? God, Allah, Nature makes the trees.
Does your job make the money?
Do you make the money?
Does the government make the money?
No, God makes the money!
So in order to have more money, we don’t need to know how to make more money because the money is already made. What we need to understand is the nature of money and how to attract into our lives what already exists.
Once we understand the nature of money, we will then understand how to make it, have it, attract more of it and keep it!
Dr. Deepak Chopra says we are cells in a unified field of energy and that everything is energy in expression, including our thoughts and words. In my interview with Dr. Chopra, he told me this: There’s more space and information in one cubic centimeter of space in front of you than the entire material universe combined.
Dr. Chopra believes that wealth, money and financial freedom are built from understanding the natural, scientific laws of the universe. Money is merely energy in another form of expression. Money is made from trees, trees are made from nature, and nature is pure energy. Dr. Chopra further explained, If you go deep within your own awareness, you’ll discover at the heart of your being there is an intelligence that is constantly orchestrating the activity of your mind and body. When you get in touch with this intelligence you recognize it as the inner intelligence within you, but it also represents and mirrors the wisdom of the universe. In other words, when you get in touch with the deepest core of your being, you get in touch with a universal intelligence that is the field of pure potentiality where everything comes from including trees, stars, galaxies, rainforests, bodies and thoughts. You recognize that the nature of this intelligence is that it’s infinitely abundant, lavish, extravagant, and full of potential for all that was, is and will be. By contacting this intelligence and getting in touch with it you can fulfill all of your desires whether they are material desires, emotional, psychological or ultimately spiritual desires.
Wealth building guru, Robert G Allen says, The source of all wealth is God. God knows where the gold is. You can’t create wealth by yourself without having tapped into the source that knows what stocks are going up tomorrow, which pieces of real estate are going to be more valuable, which businesses have the best chance of success – you need to be tapped in.”
“Heaven and Earth were born at the same time I was, and the ten thousand things are one with me.”
4. Creation has already been created
You cannot create anything new. You cannot out-create the Creator. The smartest scientist cannot create an original element like fire, wind, metal, wood. They can only change its form and harness its energy to co-create that which already exists so that it can better serve mankind based upon our current level of consciousness.
That means you have to decide what you want to co-create and what you feel deserving of having. Once you realize that you are a co-creator with your Creator, you can then extract from the universe that which has already been created; it is waiting for the arrival of your mindset or consciousness so that it can begin to take form.
This is why they say you must have faith in the unseen. Yet there is no unseen. It’s already here! You just haven’t seen the unseen at your current level of thinking or consciousness. When you begin to realize that you can co-create whatever level of wealth you desire because it has already been created, you begin to feel a part of the universe and not separate from the universe. You no longer feel disconnected from your higher Self. You and your Creator are one. You become one with the Universe and realize that DNA is what you are, but deity is who you are!
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