Ujaama – The DigitalNomics Boot Camp!
Hotep Family,
I would like to ask you a few questions as it relates to Ujaama – The DigitalNomics Boot Camp Walk Away Wealth System Training Program?
- Are you ready to permanently change the epigenetics of your economics and the life of your family to create generational wealth regardless of past, present or future failures?
- Would you like to learn the entire process of how to build a lifestyle or laptop business creating your own intellectual property or learning how to earn from someone else’s?
- Would you like to have a coach/mentor to teach you the inner workings of DigitalNomics
If you answered YES to any/all of the questions above, I would like to make you an offer that you SHOULD not refuse!
I am looking for serious students to personally work, one-on-one with to help them produce the powerful process of Ujaama – The DigitalNomics Boot Camp and teach them how to develop multiple Walk Away Wealth Systems!
I would like to turn YOU into an intellectual property, content creating GURU that will be able to permanently change the economic direction of your life and epigenetically the lives of your family!
May I Be Your Personal, Melanated Mentor and teach you the Ujaama principles in my DigitalNomics Walk Away Wealth System Training Program?
We musts take control of our Minds, Money and Melanin if we and the next three generations of our families are going to epigenetically not only survive, but THRIVE!
According to a 32-page study called, “The Ever-Growing Gap,” cited on nydailynews.com by the Corporation for Enterprise Development and the Institute for Policy Studies, Black families will need 228 years to attain wealth of white families today!
The study found:
- Decades of discriminatory housing policies and market practices have resulted in homeownership among only 41% of Black families and 45% of Hispanic families compared to 71% of white families; homeownership still remains one of the greatest sources of Americans’ wealth.
- The 400 richest Americans own more wealth than the entire black population, plus one-third of the Latino population combined
- Black Americans have higher average unemployment rates, at 8.6%, than white Americans, at 4.4%
- Latino and Black families are paid up to $20,000 less on average per year than white households
- Over two-thirds of Black and Hispanic households lack the savings necessary to subsist at the poverty level for three months, compared to only one-third of white households
- Wealth returns on a four-year degree is much for valuable for white graduates than it is for black and Hispanic graduates
If you are serious about countering these statistics, and you genuinely see the benefits of learning the Mind, Money and Method’s of DigitalNomics, I would like to become your personal trainer and work one-on-one with for the next six months to permanently change the direction of your life!
Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene from Hidden Colors 1-4 says,
“Philippe SHOCK Matthews is the Marcus Garvey of our time!”
Here is just a small portion of what you will receive and achieve from the program:
- Learn how to create multi streams of intellectual property content and income
- How to multi-purpose content
- How to earn money from OPC “Other People’s Content”
- How to earn income using your smartphone, tablet or laptop
- How to create money-making ecourses and content
- How to author an ebook that sells
- How to produce and author special reports
- How to find and exploit unique niches and micro niches
- How to publish and market your book using Amazon’s KDP and POD (Print on Demand) platform
- Learn self publishing’s dirty little secret
to hidden wealth by authoring content under different names
“Digitalnomics is all around wealth building book. Philippe has successfully interwoven his experience, research and the wisdom of many scholars, teachers and activist. The author touches on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sides of wealth healing and building, his chapter on Zero Point Thinking is a gem. Digitalnomics is a practical how to guide peppered with historical perspective and personal transformational stories. Continue to raise your vibration by adding this book to your collection.” — Emunah Y’srael (Author: Angry Black Woman Revisited, My Brother, My Keeper | CEO: Soulonomics.com)
If you are serious and want to get started right away in this accelerated program, click HERE now and fill out the pre-qualifying questionnaire form. Once you complete and submit the form, if you are chosen, I will contact you personally for a 30 minute “GET READY” session.
In your “GET READY”, we will discuss your personal goals, identify your unique intellectual property talents and gifts, and define realistic economic goals for you to obtain from the program.
I am only looking for students who are serious about permanently changing the direction of their lives. You need to be perfectly clear about your goals in life and why you want to change the direction of your life so that no time is wasted and that our one-on-one training time is maximized.
Because of the hands-on / hand-holding teaching and training style of this program, I can only handle about 5 students at a time in this six month, one-on-one training course, so I need you to take action now before my time is booked solid!
Click HERE now and take the time to fill out the pre-qualifying questionnaire form. Based on your answers, I will contact you to discuss your goals and how to get started.
To the permanent, positive change of your economic future!
Philippe SHOCK Matthews
(Bestselling Author | Host: The Philippe Matthews Show Live)