Listen to My Exclusive Interview with
Andrew Ross; Author of 9 Live’s

Andrew Ross on 9 Lives
Do you know why a cat is said to have 9 lives? It doesn’t have to mean they die and live over and over again. It has something to do with their nimbleness or flexibility. Even if they jump or fall from a high place, they can shift the position of their bodies to guarantee a safer landing.
It’s actually the same thing with us, humans. We only have one life to live, and yet it’s littered with too many challenges sometimes extremely large we feel it’s the end of us. But no, like cats we can have multiple lives—resurrect from the slump and end up the winner.
Take, for example the life of Andrew Ross.
It’s a Hard-knock Life
Andrew Ross grew up in one of the projects in Queens, New York. He has of African American and Irish descent, which made it quite hard for him to easily belong. He was the frequent go-to for the bullies in school. At home, things didn’t get any better. He had to live with his father who tormented him psychologically and physically for most of his young life.
Andrew wanted an escape from all these—fast. His desire, however, led him to a road toward self-destruction. Because he couldn’t fully express himself, especially his hate and anger, he acted it out. He joined one of the notorious gangs in the area. Before he turned 18, he was already out of school and into the streets peddling consumer drugs. He lived a life of drugs, alcohol, and women. The gang got him into multiple troubles, one of which changed the course of his life forever.
The Rebirth of Andrew Ross
It was in 1990 when he found himself in a fight against a rival gang. He was assaulted, severely beaten with a huge injury to the head, and left to die a painful death. Though his luck seemed to be running out, his life wasn’t completely over yet.
In a beautiful twist of fate and Christian faith, he underwent a near-death experience that showed him there’s indeed a light at the end of the tunnel, and there is a God. When he came back, he spent almost three weeks in the hospital and went through a complicated brain surgery. For him, the pain was nothing compared to his biggest realization: he still has a purpose, and it’s a good one.
Overcoming the Odds
Four years after, his first child was born. It further inspired him to turn his life around. At night, he went to class to earn his GED. When he did, he attended college and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 2004. He then proceeded to take his master’s and now is completing his PhD.
He worked with various non-profit organizations that deal with at-risk teenagers just like him. He’s currently a program director of Housing Works and is also a professional fitness trainer.
Andrew is a shining example of someone who moves from being a victim to victorious. You can do too! Read his autobiography called 9 Lives, and in the last few pages is a guide that helps you address issues with the help of Andrew.