Listen to My Exclusive Interview with
Dr. Deepak Chopra on the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire
An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra
By: Philippe Matthews
One of the best books that Dr. Chopra wrote was The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence. The book is a power-packed process using the basic laws of quantum physics to create the lifestyle you want. In an exclusive Q&A, I asked Dr. Chopra specific questions on how the main theme of SynchroDestiny in this book works and how anyone can activate it in their lives.
Philippe Matthews
Where did the term SynchroDestiny come from?
Dr. Chopra
“I made it up. I thought we should use that word because it says so much. I have been using that word for the last seven, eight years now and I do a course on that.”
Philippe Matthews
What is the definition of SynchroDestiny?
Dr. Chopra
“SynchroDestiny is when you consciously manifest your destiny through intention using the phenomenon of synchronicity or meaningful correspondence or meaningful coincidence.”
Philippe Matthews
You say in your book that the material world is a subset of the quantum world. Could you explain that more please?
Dr. Chopra
“We know for at least a hundred years now that everything we see in the visible world has its roots in the invisible world. The invisible world is the world of information and energy. We use this in our technology now, when I send you an email or right now as I am speaking to you on the phone, I am not sending you visible, material things, I’m sending you information and energy signals that are going through these walls in my room, going through traffic jams across the streets of America and in some cases bounces off the satellites in outer space and you are getting the information. We know that everything we call visible has its roots in the invisible.
Every school child today learns the formula e=mc2, where energy equals mass multiplied squared to the speed of light so, the quantum world is the world of information and energy. When we surf the information highway on the internet, when we send emails, when we speak on the phone, when we use the radio or the television we are using the quantum world which of course can be transformed into the material world and vice versa. The more important thing is that both of these roots, both of these domains; quantum and the physical actually come from yet another third level of existence and that level is called, non-local where matter, information and energy all become one. In wisdom traditions that is also called the spirit.”
Philippe Matthews
In discussing these invisible waves of energy and information that can be experienced as solid, you say in the book that a wave particle literally collapses to whatever you expect to see at the time of observation. Please elaborate more on this.
Dr. Chopra
“If you were measuring the position then you get a particle and if you were measuring momentum you would get a wave. Is it a wave? Is it a particle? It is simultaneously both; you decide which one it is. The most important thing is that your thoughts are part of the mix — a part of the quantum soup. In fact your thoughts are also waves of information and energy and therefore molecules at the same time.”
Philippe Matthews
Talk to me about the power of intent and attention.
Dr. Chopra
“Yes, we unusually think of intention as just a thought but intention is a force in nature. Scientist who recognizes this talk about a phenomenon called Teleology which is used to explain biological evolution which says if you know the intended outcome in evolution you will be able to predict the biological outcome for it. For example, a giraffe has a long neck because the intended outcome was to reach up to the tree and eat the leaf.
A camel has a certain anatomy because its intended outcome was to walk the desert and there was no water. So intentions are responsible for what we call creativity in nature and they are part of the forces of nature as gravity, as much as electromagneticism, as much as the sub atomic forces are. Once you realize that you learn to harness a part of intention by going to that level where in nature the entire universe is really a tapestry of intention.”
Philippe Matthews
This is fascinating because what you have done is teach people how to speak the language of the universe.
Dr. Chopra
“It is the language of the universe. Yes.”
Philippe Matthews
You eloquently used a metaphor in The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire that our existence is like gaps in between movie film; at the quantum level we are flickering in and out of existence. Could you speak on this more please?
Dr. Chopra
“Yes. The universe is created over and over again. Of course it’s created almost, but not quite exactly the last time it flickered in. Just like in the movie, the still frame is very similar to the previous still frame but it actually has moved a little bit otherwise you wouldn’t have a movie. The universe flickers in and out but every time it flickers in, it’s one step ahead or changed and that’s why we have what we call evolution, change, and creativity. It’s a new form of phenomena or what scientists refer to as Emergent Properties.“
Philippe Matthews
You helped me to understand the quantum reason why phenomenon occurs when you explained how neutrons spinning around a nucleus can jump from orbit to orbit without the exchange of information. This is called a quantum leap and also occurs in our everyday lives as blind sided events.
Dr. Chopra
“It’s like when Captain Kirk says “Beam me up Scottie.” All they had to do was press a button and the captain who was on planet earth was suddenly on this spaceship without having to travel in the space between. In nature that is happening all the time and in fact is why nature is so creative because it doesn’t go through gradual transformation. It takes these quantum leaps of creativity where new form and phenomena emerge.”
Philippe Matthews
Would a quantum leap experience be analogous to waking up one morning and discovering a closed loved one has passed on and your life is abruptly changed and affected as a result of this event?
Dr. Chopra
“In a sense, yes because everything is completely new. A new pattern has emerged. I think that is not a bad way of understanding it at all.”
Philippe Matthews
You also say in your book that without consciousness acting as an observer and interpreter, everything would exist only as pure potential. Explain please.
Dr. Chopra
“Yes, consciousness would remain pure potential or pure possibility, or infinite possibility just like a wave before it collapses remains all possibility. The moment of collapse that determines the space/time event.”
Philippe Matthews
Explain to our readers exactly what non-local communication is.
Dr. Chopra
“Non-local communication is communication without the exchange of energy or information signals. If you have a thought and I have a thought at the same time and it’s exactly the same thought then we’ve both actualized the same information without sending each other a signal. Anything that involves a signal can’t move faster than the speed of light which is 300,000 kilometers a second. Non-local communication is instantaneous, it’s unmediated – there is no medium of exchange and it’s unmitigated; distance and space/time doesn’t make a difference. Prayer, if it works, works through non-local communication. Sub atomic particles correlate or communicate with each other without sending each other informational energy signals. This is very counter-intuitive and actually is the reason Einstein was very unhappy with the idea because it didn’t make any sense in classical physics and relativity terms but when you understand quantum mechanics they talk about something called acausal, non-local, quantum mechanical, interrelatedness where everything is interrelated with everything without the exchange of energy or information signals.”
“How does a human body think thoughts, play an instrument, kill germs, remove toxins and make a baby all at once? And whilst it is doing that attracts the movement of stars because your biological rhythms are actually the rhythms of the universe. You are literally the symphony of the spheres and the only way you can explain that is through non-local communication.”
Philippe Matthews
A great example of the power of non-local communication is the butterfly effect where a butterfly flutters its wings in Texas and days later a typhoon occurs in Tokyo.
Dr. Chopra
“Yes. It explains what we call indeterminacy in nature where the effects of nature get compounded each step of the way.”
Philippe Matthews
What I have also found to be true and startling is that you do not need to know quantum science and universal laws in order for it to work for you. It works without our permission?
Dr. Chopra
“Not at all. It’s fun to know them but you don’t have to know them.”
Philippe Matthews
On page 77 you said, “We are all patterns of non-locality, pretending to be people.” Please expound on this.
Dr. Chopra
“That is how you play the game of life. You are a non-local spirit that is going through a human experience for the time being and the pretend is so good that you forget who you are. Like a really good Shakespearian actor who gets into his character.”
Through The Chopra Center, Dr. Chopra is revolutionizing common wisdom about the crucial connection between body, mind, spirit, and healing. His mission of “bridging the technological miracles of the west with the wisdom of the east” remains his thrust as he and his colleagues conduct public seminars and workshops and provide training for health care professionals around the world. Dr. Chopra is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.
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Love Deepak’s wisdom and the way he makes since and high level physics so easy to understand.
Thanks Kay! Deepak is a magical man!