Most of the cigar brands in the world have been around for many years—even hundreds—with plantations and special formulas passed on from generation to generation. One can picture vast lands of tobacco farms grown in the highlands of the Dominican Republic, Brazil, or Ecuador, with leaves coming from the equally vast fields of Cuba. These companies have certainly made their mark and may have even monopolized the market that it’s difficult for more recent ones to penetrate.
Guido Carloni Artigas Cigars therefore has made something significant, changing the landscape of the tobacco industry by giving more space to new players.
The Brand
Guido Carloni Cigars is considered to be a new entrant. It doesn’t have the long intriguing history that tells of any fertile plantations and large farms. That doesn’t mean, however, they are less popular and supreme than the others. In fact, in the short time that they have been around, they have become one of the biggest tobacco companies in all of Mexico, distributing some of the most awesome cigar brands. They have been covered and reviewed by tobacco experts both online and offline. Today they carry three famous tobacco lines that include Habana Gold and Artigas.
With their great love for cigars and passion of selling, they have also developed their own brand called Santa Cruz. They are also planning to bring their brand to various parts of the world such as the United States.
What makes Guido Carloni Cigars excellent? Though they sell reasonably priced tobaccos, the price is just a small part of the reason. Topping the list is the high quality of their products. Most of their cigars have come from all over the world, even as far as New Zealand. This ensures that they can come up with myriad of flavors and treat their customers with an exciting experience every time they try a new brand.
These cigars, moreover, have been lined with the finest leaves that were grown in Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Ecuador. Though these cigars have their own flavors or tastes, in general, they are excellently bodied with smoke and aroma lasting for a longer period of time.
Each of the leaves, moreover, is hand rolled by professional cigar makers who have several years’ experience under their name. The Habana Gold and Artigas cigars, on the other hand, make use of the Maduras wrapper while Santa Cruz and Lancelot have Sumatra wrappers.
Getting More
Guido Carloni further steps up the game and out of the comfort zone and what is normally offered by its competitors through the cigars roll show. This adds a whole new level of entertainment and pleasure to guests of any event, whether it’s a wedding, anniversary, or a birthday.
Moreover, the company packs these cigars in attractive boxes and tins not only to get attention but to also ensure the tobacco and all its retained flavors and aroma are effectively preserved until your next smoke.
One of the biggest lessons we can get from Guido Carloni Artigas Cigars is this: it’s not about longevity but high quality.