Linux and Android are two closely linked open-source projects, but they've been as notable for how distant they are from each other–until yesterday.
Read this article:
Linux and Android, Together at Last

Linux and Android are two closely linked open-source projects, but they've been as notable for how distant they are from each other–until yesterday.
Read this article:
Linux and Android, Together at Last
Tagged with: closely-linked facebook how-distant kernel-project linus-torvalds linux reddit system-core the-operating
Linux and Android are two closely linked open-source projects, but they've been as notable for how distant they are from each other–until yesterday. That's when Linus Torvalds, leader of the Linux kernel project, released a version of the operating system core that bridges between the two worlds.
Read this article:
Linux and Android, Together at Last
Tagged with: article from-each how-distant kernel-project linux operating reddit stumble system-core the-operating