Get your delicious, piping hot robo-cookies here! A robot: Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with! Okay, so the future that The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy predicted is still far off, but it’s coming closer every week: HRP-4C gynoid sings on camera We’ve seen HPR-4C several times already, but she’s always worth revisiting as her skills advance–if only because she’s one of the few android (technically a gynoid) that’s really venturing into Uncanny Valley, with movements and other attributes that seem human. HRP-4C is the best preview out there of the kind of realistic robots we’re likely to encounter fairly soon. Here she is singing as part of this year’s Japan Robot Association Jisso Protec 2011 show
Continued here:
This Week In Bots: Singing, Cookie Baking, Flying Balls, Microbots, Swimming Bots, And Telepresence iPads