Arsen Cigars: The Pink Label for Men, Puro from the Dominican Republic
Sophistication, style, flavor, and tradition—it’s astonishing how pink can embody all these. But these are the exact senses you get once you get your hands on the new Pink Label for Men by Arsen Cigars.
The Age-old Heritage
Arsen Cigars is a product of commitment, passion, fervor, and passed-on Dominican Republic traditions.
Arsen Gasparian, the founder, started to create some of the best tobacco cigars in the market sometime in 2010, but the stories behind them can be traced back as far as six generations ago. Nevertheless the state of ownership doesn’t really matter, as the process of creating every cigar remains the same.
It starts off with the growth and cultivation of tobacco in a vast estate, the exact same place where harvesting, curing, fermentation, and storing are being performed. The process can be painstaking, but then its’ only how Arsen can produce unparalleled tobacco quality.
The Arrival of the Pink Dominican Republic Tobacco
Arsen isn’t just a local brand. It has gained worldwide fame, and with such huge demand, it’s more convenient for the conglomerate to build its own farm and facility in key locations such as America. Yet this is no ordinary tobacco brand. This is traditional, and thus Arsen remains pure Dominican Republic.
Smooth, Flavorful, Full Bodied
The Pink for Men, which was introduced in IPCR Convention in Orlando, Florida, is a mixture of both the Old and the New World. The pink wrapper gives it a nice contemporary twist and a surprise even for both men and women. But the wrapper is actually a combo of Corojo and Habano leaves while the binder is San Vincente.
The premium cigars are currently available in 4 different sizes. The smallest one is called Petit Corona, followed by Robusto and Belicoso. The biggest is aptly known as Toro. Each box contains 25 pieces of well-flavored tobacco.
As for taste, the cigar starts off very subtle, with just-enough hint of its flavor and spices. But the longer you linger the bolder it gets until it becomes full bodied. In other words, Pink for Men lures you to stay on it just a bit longer as you take a puff.
Pink for Men Arsen cigars are definitely a work of art, as every one of them is lovingly and passionately handmade. Moreover they spell style and sophistication that make every fan of it at par with the rich and famous. Most of all, they’re a testament that a brand doesn’t have to lose its identity and quality just to keep up with the times.
Enjoy Arsen Cigars!
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Arsen Gasparyan of Arsen Cigars
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