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Shipping Timetables Debunk Darwin Plagiarism Accusations

By Philip Ball of Nature magazine Charles Darwin was not a plagiarist, say two researchers who aim to refute the idea that Darwin revised his own theory of evolution to fit in with one proposed by fellow naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace. The accusation has received little support from serious historians of Darwin's life and work, who say that Darwin and Wallace came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection independently at more or less the same time

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The Charles Darwin School of Business

According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, only the fittest survive. Here's how it works in the business world. Charles Darwin would have built a killer company.

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Primal Brain in the Modern Classroom

As children settle into their classrooms for the beginning of a new school year, parents steel themselves for the pending battle. Mothers and fathers know well that their youngsters would rather pay attention to one another than to the blackboard. But parents may not realize that the reasons children struggle with education lie deep in our evolutionary past

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Evolution of the Eye (preview)

The human eye is an exquisitely complicated organ. It acts like a camera to collect and focus light and convert it into an electrical signal that the brain translates into images. But instead of photographic film, it has a highly specialized retina that detects light and processes the signals using dozens of different kinds of neurons

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The Evolutionary Errors of X-Men

In X-Men: First Class , the latest film about the popular comic book superheroes, one of the mutant characters goes by the nickname Darwin because he has the power of “reactive evolution.” He instantly adapts to any threat: toss him in water and he sprouts gills; hit him with a club and his skin turns to armored plates. Biology mavens in the audience may object that this form of evolution is more or less the opposite of what Charles Darwin proposed with his theory of natural selection

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Masters of Disguise: Animal Mimics Fool Their Foes (preview)

The year was 1848. a young British naturalist named Henry Walter Bates had gone to the Amazon with fellow countryman Alfred Russel Wallace to look for evidence of the origin of species. Over the course of his 11-year stay, he noticed that local relatives of a European butterfly known as the cabbage white--the pierids--were bedecked in the showy reds and yellows of rain forest butterflies called heliconids

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