An Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee team has used the Department of Energy's Jaguar supercomputer to calculate the number of isotopes allowed by the laws of physics.
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Feed SubscriptionGoogle-Backed Wind Power Line Clears Hurdle
(Reuters) - A planned $5 billion transmission line to send power from wind farms off the East Coast cleared a hurdle, allowing the Google Inc-backed project to move to the next step in the approval process, officials said. The Department of the Interior declared on Monday there was "no overlapping competitive interest" in proposed areas for building the line off the mid-Altantic coast. [More]
Read More »The Worst Bosses
Tired of success stories?
Read More »Apple’s Financial Report: What To Expect From Tomorrow’s Quarterly Results Reveal
Apple's share price has dropped significantly in the last couple of weeks. This was possibly due to one analyst downgrading his expectations for Apple based on the assumption that cell phone operators would grow tired of paying the large subsidy the iPhone carries. But it doesn't take into account the different markets outside the U.S.
Read More »Signs of Trouble at Leaking North Sea Gas Rig Month Before
By Oleg Vukmanovic and Karolin Schaps LONDON (Reuters) - Signs of trouble aboard a North Sea drilling platform where a natural gas leak has triggered fears of a massive explosion began in a plugged well a month ago, operator Total said on Friday.
Read More »Why Turning The Wheel Won’t Be Enough To Change The Direction Of Your Career
DJ Patil knows a thing or two about changing up his career. As a veteran of eBay, LinkedIn, and the Department of Defense, Patil says switching gears takes more than a turn of the wheel. [twistage 54e7a0db2169b] For more bite-sized bits of wisdom on leadership and strategies for success, explore our ongoing video series at
Read More »Small Reactors Make a Bid to Revive Nuclear Power
Small may be beautiful for the nuclear power industry So argue a host of would-be builders of novel nuclear reactors. While the U.S
Read More »Make Your Worst Employee a Key Asset
You can't save your weakest staffers. But you can use them as an way to upgrade your whole team's performance. You've heard the adage, "Hire the right people, and everything else is easy." That may be true, but it's also unrealistic—especially in start-ups and rapidly growing, innovative businesses.
Read More »Make Your Worst Employee a Key Asset
You can't save your weakest staffers.
Read More »Standoff sensing enters new realm with dual-laser technique
( -- Identifying chemicals from a distance could take a step forward with the introduction of a two-laser system being developed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Read More »Tevatron experiments report latest results in search for Higgs boson
( -- New measurements announced today by scientists from the CDF and DZero collaborations at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory indicate that the elusive Higgs boson may nearly be cornered.
Read More »Maine’s Biggest Lobster to be Returned to Atlantic
By Jason McLure (Reuters) - The biggest lobster ever caught in Maine, a 27-pounder nicknamed "Rocky" with claws tough enough to snap a man's arm, was released on Thursday after being trapped in a shrimp net last week, marine officials said. The 40-inch male crustacean, about the size of a 3-year-old child, was freed in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, said Elaine Jones, education director for the state's Department of Marine Resources.
Read More »4 Rewards That Are More Powerful Than Money
They reinforce positive behaviors, boost motivation, and build employees' self-esteem. Bonus: They won't cost you anything. Formal employee recognition programs can be effective, but many formal programs only pay lip service to recognizing employee performance
Read More »Physicists push for underground testing facility
Pran Nath, the Matthews Distinguished Professor of Physics at Northeastern University, is among a group of leading theoretical physicists who have asked the Department of Energy to develop a large underground neutrino facility to maintain U.S. leadership in the frontier of particle physics. We asked Nath to explain the facility and its value.
Read More »Physicists push for underground testing facility
Pran Nath, the Matthews Distinguished Professor of Physics at Northeastern University, is among a group of leading theoretical physicists who have asked the Department of Energy to develop a large underground neutrino facility to maintain U.S. leadership in the frontier of particle physics.
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