(Phys.org) -- When two photons simultaneously enter two input ports of a beam splitter, their paths interfere destructively, which causes the photons to simultaneously exit the beam splitter through the same output port. Because this quantum interference effect changes the input into a different output, it could have applications in quantum information processing. But whereas the two photons are usually identical in experiments demonstrating this effect, a new study has demonstrated that quantum interference can also occur between two photons with different frequencies, giving researchers an additional degree of control.
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Feed SubscriptionPhysicists discover ‘magnetotoroidic effect’
(PhysOrg.com) -- For many years, scientists have known about the magnetoelectric effect, in which an electric field can induce and control a magnetic field, and vice versa. In this effect, the electric field has always been homogeneous
Read More »Michigan to require BMI reports on kids
Gov. Rick Snyder plans to direct doctors in Michigan to begin monitoring the body weight of their young patients and provide the data to a new state registry, in one of the most extensive government efforts to address the growing problem of pediatric obesity, the Associated Press has learned.
Read More »Gyroscope’s unexplained acceleration may be due to modified inertia
(PhysOrg.com) -- When a spinning laser gyroscope is placed near a super-cooled rotating ring, the gyroscope accelerates a bit in the same direction as the ring, and scientists aren’t sure why.
Read More »Inc.’s 2011 Compensation Guide
How much are Americans being paid in 2011? What effect has the recession had?
Read More »Climate Change Increases Cattle Breed’s Newborn Mortality
Climate change affects seasonal events--spring flowers open earlier, songbirds breed sooner.
Read More »Sop Soil: Have the Recent Record Floods Compromised the Safety of Organic Farm Produce?
Dear EarthTalk : What will be the effect of all the flooding along the Mississippi River for organic farmers, given all the pollutants in the water? When they recover, can they still certify their products as organic? --Michael O’Loughlin, Tigard, Ore.
Read More »Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife — Some History Should Not Repeat Itself
When I applied for this course – Integrated Ecosystem Management in Micronesia – I had no idea about the history that I would literally be diving into. Before my classmates and I left for Guam, Dr.
Read More »When the speed of light depends on its direction
Light does not travel at the same speed in all directions under the effect of an electromagnetic field. Although predicted by theory, this counter-intuitive effect has for the first time been demonstrated experimentally in a gas by a French team from the Laboratoire 'Collisions Agregats Reactivite' at CNRS. The researchers measured with extreme precision, of around one billionth m/s, the difference between the light propagation speeds in one direction and in the opposite direction.
Read More »Can Rewilding Work?
Europeans ate their way through the island nation of Mauritius , most famously eliminating the dodo bird. Less well known was their effect on the island now known as Ile aux Aigrettes or Island of White Herons, where they exterminated giant skinks and tortoises, and logged the native ebony trees for firewood
Read More »Why we live in dangerous places
Natural disasters always seem to strike in the worst places. The Sendai earthquake has caused over 8,000 deaths, destroyed 450,000 people’s homes, crippled four nuclear reactors and wreaked over $300 billion in damage. And it’s only the latest disaster.
Read More »Scientists reverse Doppler Effect
(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers from Swinburne University and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology have for the first time ever demonstrated a reversal of the optical ‘Doppler Effect’ – an advance that could one day lead to the development of 'invisibility cloak' technology.
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