The asteroid Vesta In a widely anticipated announcement today, the new company Planetary Resources revealed their plans for near-Earth asteroid domination. The group has mapped out a multi-stage process to map, observe, capture, tow and eventually mine asteroids for valuables. “A single 500-meter platinum-rich asteroid contains the equivalent of all the platinum group metals mined in history,” reads the company’s press release .
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Feed SubscriptionHas ‘Entrepreneur’ Lost Its Meaning?
Now that everyone is a so-called entrepreneur, the word is losing its edge. And entrepreneurship with a big E is a pain in the neck. We are in the golden age of entrepreneurship.
Read More »‘Holey Optochip’ first to transfer one trillion bits of information per second using the power of light
( -- IBM scientists today will report on a prototype optical chipset, dubbed “Holey Optochip”, that is the first parallel optical transceiver to transfer one trillion bits – one terabit – of information per second, the equivalent of downloading 500 high definition movies. The report will be presented at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference taking place in Los Angeles.
Read More »Infants Possess Intermingled Senses
What if every visit to the museum was the equivalent of spending time at the philharmonic? For painter Wassily Kandinsky, that was the experience of painting: colors triggered sounds
Read More »Question for Job Creators: What Is A Good Job?
As someone who works with entrepreneurs for a living, I'm always very proud of the role business owners play in supporting the economy. As someone who works with entrepreneurs for a living, I'm always very proud of the role business owners play in supporting the economy. Among the many by-products of their efforts is job creation.
Read More »Here’s What It Would Take To Permanently Shut Down Nuclear Power In Japan
What if instead of restoring its reactors, the country figured out a way to do it all with renewables. It would take work and ingenuity, but it's totally possible.
Read More »A Problem For Smart Meters: People Don’t Understand Electricity
The general public has no idea how much they pay for electricity or how to use less, undermining the central premise of smart meters and hindering their adoption. Smart power meters are, in theory, supposed to help with everything from electric vehicle adoption (low electricity rates encourage people to charge up at specific times) to bringing more renewable energy on the grid (pricing will vary based on when it is available). But smart meter implementation hinges on the idea that consumers actually understand their electricity use.
Read More »The New Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure: Filling Stations At Quick Lube Shops
When hydrogen-powered cars hit the market in 2014, it's going to be hard to find fuel. But solar-powered hydrogen fueling startup SunHydro has a plan to quickly ramp up filling stations. We spend a lot of time talking about the possibilities for a large scale battery electric vehicle charging infrastructure , but what about hydrogen fuel cell vehicles?
Read More »Can North Africa Light Up Europe with Solar Power?
HAMBURG, Germany -- Twenty-five years after Gerhard Knies conceived of powering Europe with the Sahara Desert's sun, the North Africa Solar project has grown into something considerably more than a mere mirage, but it's still less than a reality. Part of the plan is to erect a network of solar plants that generate electricity by concentrating the heat from sunlight to make electricity, generating 100 gigawatts or the equivalent of 100 large nuclear power plants
Read More »Virgin Spends $1.4 Billion On Super-Efficient, Ultra Quiet Jet Engines
Virgin America isn't waiting for major innovation in the biodiesel sector; they want to pay less for fuel now.
Read More »Introducing The Self-Cleaning, Smog-Eating Building
Who needs trees when you have a building that eats smog? Struggling to breathe because of the layer of smog hovering in the atmosphere above you? Alcoa has come up with a potential solution for that most unpleasant of man-made environmental issues: the smog-eating building
Read More »Why All Your Bulbs May Soon Be LEDs
A breakthrough in producing light emitting diodes could bring LED production costs down as much as 75%. A breakthrough in producing light emitting diodes could see LED production costs tumble as much as 75%.
Read More »What Makes a Smarter City? IBM Bets on 24 Winners
IBM announced the first batch of cities this week awarded grants as part of the company's three-year, $50 million Smarter Cities Challenge . The recipients --including New Orleans, Newark, Rio de Janeiro, and Jakarta--are diverse, to say the least. So how did they end up with IBM's attention, and what happens now?
Read More »iFive: Twitter’s Value Doubles, Al Jazeera’s Social Show, Verifone Embraces Wireless Payment, PS3s Impounded, China Hacks France
1. Is there a new Net technology bubble underway? Twitter 's
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