Five tips to make casual encounters into new business opportunities. Plus, an upfront approach from Arel Moodie, co-owner of Extreme Entrepreneurship Education.
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Feed SubscriptionPhysicists create first ‘frequency comb’ to probe ultraviolet wavelengths
Physicists at JILA have created the first "frequency comb" in the extreme ultraviolet band of the spectrum, high-energy light less than 100 nanometers (nm) in wavelength. Laser-generated frequency combs are the most accurate method available for precisely measuring frequencies, or colors, of light. In reaching the new band of the spectrum, the JILA experiments demonstrated for the first time a very fine mini-comb-like structure within each subunit, or harmonic, of the larger comb, drastically sharpening the measurement tool.
Read More »Physicists create first ‘frequency comb’ to probe ultraviolet wavelengths
Physicists at JILA have created the first "frequency comb" in the extreme ultraviolet band of the spectrum, high-energy light less than 100 nanometers (nm) in wavelength. Laser-generated frequency combs are the most accurate method available for precisely measuring frequencies, or colors, of light
Read More »Seeing sound in a new light
The National Physical Laboratory Acoustics team has been investigating acoustic cavitation – the formation and implosion of micro cavities, or bubbles, in a liquid caused by the extreme pressure variations of high intensity sound waves – using the new NPL reference vessel and a chemical commonly found at crime scenes.
Read More »Researchers take first steps toward X-ray superfluorescence
( -- While physicist Robert Dicke is probably most famous for his work on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – and being "scooped" while attempting to be the first to detect it – he also performed important work in optics.
Read More »Be Afraid, but Not Too Afraid
It’s time to get scared. Nightmare On Elm Street, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be airing on TVs through to midnight tonight, Halloween.
Read More »Be Afraid, but Not Too Afraid
It’s time to get scared.
Read More »Be Afraid, but Not Too Afraid
It’s time to get scared. Nightmare On Elm Street, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be airing on TVs through to midnight tonight, Halloween.
Read More »Micro-explosion reveals new super-dense aluminium
( -- Although materials scientists have theorized for years that a form of super-dense aluminum exists under the extreme pressures found inside a planet’s core, no one had ever actually seen it. Until now.
Read More »Research team achieves first 2-color STED microscopy of living cells
Researchers are able to achieve extremely high-resolution microscopy through a process known as stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy. This cutting-edge imaging system has pushed the performance of microscopes significantly past the classical limit, enabling them to image features that are even smaller than the wavelength of light used to study them. They are able to achieve this extreme vision by using a single-color fluorescent dye that absorbs and releases energy, revealing cells and cellular components (such as proteins) in unprecedented detail.
Read More »U.S. Nuclear Plants Not Fully Equipped to Handle Extreme Events
U.S. nuclear plants should be hardened to better withstand earthquakes and other extreme emergencies that could lead to a radioactive release, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Japan Task Force has recommended
Read More »Our Extreme Future: Predicting and Coping with the Effects of a Changing Climate
Editor's note: This article is the last of a three-part series by John Carey. Part 1, " Storm Warning: Extreme Weather Is Caused by Climate Change ," was posted on June 28.
Read More »Global Warming and the Science of Extreme Weather
Editor's note: This article is the second of a three-part series by John Carey. Part 1, posted on June 28, is " Storm Warning: Extreme Weather Is a Product ofClimate Change ".
Read More »Bringing Entrepreneurship to Colleges
Sheena Lindahl and Michael Simmons met their third day of college and started dating on their fourth. Both are business-oriented by nature; Lindahl juggled five jobs to pay for New York University and Simmons ran a Web development shop in high school. "My friend and I made $40,000 our senior year of high school, working 10 hours per week," says Simmons.
Read More »Bambi or Bessie: Are wild animals happier?
We, as emotional beings, place a high value on happiness and joy. Happiness is more than a feeling to us - it’s something we require and strive for. We’re so fixated on happiness that we define the pursuit of it as a right.
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