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Pakistan Torches National Firewall Plans

The most ambitious net censorship project since China's Great Firewall is no more: Pakistan's Ministry of Information Technology has indicated that they are canceling plans for a 50 million+ URL net filtering regime. Earlier this week, the Pakistani government announced that they were canceling plans to build a national Internet filter similar to China's “Great Firewall.” The massive firewall would have blocked up to 50 million URLs and, if completed, would have been one of the largest online censorship projects in history

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How To Plan Your Company’s End Game

Encyclopaedia Britannica , the 244-year-old company, recently announced it would stop printing encyclopedias. Of course this triggered a flurry of talk about the end of printed books, magazines, and newspapers and a once-great company humbled by shifts in technology

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"Boy CEO" Mark Zuckerberg’s Two Smartest Projects Were Growing Facebook And Growing Up

Mark Zuckerberg, oft-parodied young CEO, didn't build the most important company of the Internet era by accident. How he fashioned Facebook--and himself--for success. From studying leaders he admired to taking elocution lessons, Zuckerberg made his evolution into a world-class CEO a personal project

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3 Reasons People Hate Marketers

Dont add to the marketer bashing: avoid these pitfalls and be a marketing hero. Why all the hating for marketers? It seems that those of us responsible for creating a compelling message about products and services are under some heat these days.

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How to Add Design Magic

The secret to winning fans and pleasing customers might just be simplicity of design. We talked to a trio of user-experience pros about how they create intuitive (and highly successful) products.

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Encyclopaedia Britannica Is Dead, Long Live Encyclopaedia Britannica

That's not just a gratuitous Ides of March headline. This week the 244-year-old company announced it is ceasing print publication, but here Encyclopaedia Britannica president Jorge Cauz discusses the business' digital innovations and why its future may be more vibrant than its storied past.

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Reporters without Borders Releases Its 2012 "Internet Enemies" List

Reporters Without Borders, a Paris-based non-governmental organization (NGO) that defends journalists and fights censorship, on Monday added the governments of Bahrain and Belarus to its 2012 list of Internet Enemies an inventory of governments worldwide that filter online content, restrict their citizens’ Internet access, track cyber dissidents and use the Web to spread pro-government propaganda while smearing opposition. These countries join other governments that the NGO has cited as cyber oppressors, including Burma, China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. Bahrain, whose population of 1.2 million people reside an area roughly the size of Washington, D.C., experienced an uprising last February as part of the Arab Spring protests throughout the Middle East and northern Africa

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Microsoft Wants To Put Your Face On A Universal Translator

Universal translators are something of a holy grail in mobile tech trends--and Microsoft's just revealed its latest effort at its own TechFest show. It's real-time. And it uses your own voice and face

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