The Korean Dear Leader ran a complex enterprise for 17 years. He scared larger competitors
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Feed SubscriptionCross-species transplantation brings new hope to diabetics
South Korean scientists say there is new hope for diabetics with experiments in animals demonstrating that insulin producing cells can be successfully transplanted from one species to another. The researchers attribute the success of the experime..
Read More »Samsung researchers announce breakthrough in growing gallium nitride LEDs on glass
( -- Everyone knows that the LED market is huge, it’s among other things, the technology behind our big screen TVs. That’s why so many companies are investing so much money in trying to find ways to improve on it so that as our TVs get bigger, they won’t grow out of the average consumer’s price range. Now, Samsung, the Korean technology giant, has announced that one of its research teams has figured out a way to grow crystalline gallium nitride (GaN) LEDs on regular glass.
Read More »Samsung researchers announce breakthrough in growing gallium nitride LEDs on glass
( -- Everyone knows that the LED market is huge, it’s among other things, the technology behind our big screen TVs. That’s why so many companies are investing so much money in trying to find ways to improve on it so that as our TVs get bigger, they won’t grow out of the average consumer’s price range. Now, Samsung, the Korean technology giant, has announced that one of its research teams has figured out a way to grow crystalline gallium nitride (GaN) LEDs on regular glass
Read More »Foldable Device Screens, Coming Soon To Your Pocket
A breakthrough in foldable OLED screen tech means a display can be folded in half like a sheet of paper without creasing. It's no exaggeration to say this could change every mobile device's design. Foldable computer displays have been the stuff of sci-fi legend for ages, and numerous device prototypes have been designed and tested...but almost none have made the journey into a real product.
Read More »Autism spectrum disorders surprisingly common, Korean study suggests
South Korean study suggests number of kids with autism-spectrum disorder may be higher than U.S. had estimated
Read More »iFive: Walmart Buys Kosmix, MobileMe Revamp Imminent, Samsung Sells HDD Biz And Fights Back With Apple, 1-800 Numbers Go Sexy
1. Wal-Mart just handed over around $300 million for Kosmix, a topic-curated social media platform that's just six years old. The new firm will join the @WalmartLabs division, trying to build-out the retail giant's online shopping experience--which is now set to get a big injection of social media thinking, and will probably leverage Kosmix's smart semantic interpretation code to come up with purchase suggestions 2
Read More »South Korea’s Q-Store Previews Our Rich-Media Future of NFC Shopping
Near-field communications tech for shopping? Check. QR codes for smartphone interactivity
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