For small business owners , choosing which vehicles you will drive or which cars to add to your commercial fleet can be tricky. On the one hand, you want cars that are comfortable and can accomadate the long hours your sales staff may spend in them, for example
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Feed SubscriptionTruvia’s Test: Can Diet Sweeteners Go Natural?
Illustration by Dan Winters When supersecretive agriculture giant Cargill decided to attack the no-calorie-sweetener market dominated by Sweet'N Low, Splenda, and Equal, it sent its best marketers and scientists to basement war rooms and covert labs. Only now can the inside story of Truvia -- and its unlikely success -- be told. SAYS ZANNA MCFERSON , plucking a stevia leaf from a plant on her desk and biting into it, "I knew there had to be something we could do with it." Through the expansive windows of her corner office at Cargill's headquarters, an Aspen-like mega-lodge on the outskirts of suburban Minneapolis, she stares out at the snowy pines and at the horizon beyond
Read More »iFive: Amazon Cloud Woes, Samsung Sues Apple, Facebook’s "Like" Birthday, Apple Cloud Music Ready, Microsoft Patents Buying Apps
1. After its extended cloud services failure, Amazon's Web Services system is cranking back to life , bringing some of the web's big-names with it.
Read More »Primordial beryllium could reveal insights into the Big Bang
( -- Some chemical elements appear much more abundantly in nature than others, which is partly due to how the elements originally formed. Scientists know that the light elements (hydrogen, deuterium, helium, and traces of lithium) were produced by fusion in the early Universe. Today, lithium, beryllium, and boron are constantly being produced in cosmic rays, while the heavier elements (up to iron) are formed by fusion in stars.
Read More »iFive: Rebels Hack Libya Phones, AMD Gets USB 3.0, Duolingo’s Clever Translation, Bing Streetside Hits Europe, Grammys for Games
1. As the military battle for Libya goes on, a different battle has been won behind the scenes: Rebel forces have successfully hacked Gadhafi's mobile network, and have used it to establish their own communications grid. Gadhafi shut the networks and Internet down weeks ago, to confound the rebels
Read More »Microsoft Toots Its Own Horn About Windows Phone 7, Misses a Few Notes
Microsoft has revealed some statistics to buff up the PR image of its Windows Phone 7 platform--and some of them are fairly impressive. But MS has been economical with the data it's willing to share. In a post on its Windows Team blog , Microsoft is setting out the "numbers that matter" after a year of Windows Phone 7's existence.
Read More »Your Next Smartphone May Sport a See-Through Solar Power Screen
Now here's an incredible idea : A super-thin transparent screen coating for smartphones that could continuously top off your battery with solar power. The technology is coming out of a small company called Wysips , which has perfected a transparent coating less than 100 microns deep that captures enough energy from the sun to generate electrical power. It relies on the application of super-thin strips of photovoltaic cells laid down on a display screen, and then a precise layer of cylindrical lenticular lenses deposited on top
Read More »Brookhaven lab’s new light source halfway there
( -- The U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory is now halfway toward completing construction of the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a powerful x-ray microscope nearly half a mile in circumference. Construction started in 2009 on the $912-million facility.
Read More »Robot Suits Transform Humans Into Super Strong Cyborgs
Cyberdine has just shown the next iteration of its HAL robots--strap-on exoskeletons that boost the user's strength with electric motors.
Read More »Are There Links between Pesticides and Other Chemicals to Thyroid Disease?
Dear EarthTalk : Instances of people with thyroid problems seems to be on the rise.
Read More »How to Create a Productive Work Environment (Clue: Don’t Ignore Your Health)—Part 1
Technology has greatly aided our lives and made several previously difficult tasks easy. But technology has also brought some negative changes.
Read More »Tying the knot with computer-generated holograms: Winding optical path moves matter
In the latest twist on optical knots, New York University physicists have discovered a new method to create extended and knotted optical traps in three dimensions.
Read More »iFive: PlayBook’s Music Store, Apps vs Open Source, Apple Switches Chip Maker, Microsoft Cloud Music Plan, FTC vs Patent Trolls
If you're fed up of reading an Internet peppered with news about Charlie Sheen, then take heart: There's now a browser plug-in that'll censor Sheen-related references for you. If you're fed up of reading a Net full of Apple references, then tough luck--there's real talk that Apple was testing a 64GB iPhone version, as a prototype has leaked. On with the news.
Read More »Rango
Make room, Pixar and DreamWorks. Industrial Light & Magic, the special-effects shop behind the
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