(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s biggest magnet facility today met the grand challenge of producing magnetic fields in excess of 100 tesla while conducting six different experiments. The hundred-tesla level is roughly equivalent to 2 million times Earth’s magnetic field.
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Feed SubscriptionOxygen molecule survives to enormously high pressures
Using computer simulations, a Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany) researcher has shown that the oxygen molecule (O2) is stable up to pressures of 1.9 terapascal, which is about nineteen million times higher than atmosphere pressure. Above that, it polymerizes, i.e. builds larger molecules or structures.
Read More »Dying teen leaves touching YouTube video
Ben Breedlove died Christmas Day, but left behind video about his health that's now been viewed more than 1 million times
Read More »New light at the end of the tunnel
(PhysOrg.com) -- An international team of scientists successfully concentrated the energy of infrared laser pulses using a nano funnel enabling them to generate extreme ultraviolet light pulses, which repeated 75 million times per second.
Read More »Chilled atoms are going to heat up scientific opportunities
A collection of atoms in the basement of Small Hall is a million times colder than outer space. It’s one of the coldest spots in the universe, but it’s not cold enough.
Read More »New electromechanical circuit sets record beating microscopic ‘drum’
Described in the March 10 issue of Nature, the NIST experiments created strong interactions between microwave light oscillating 7.5 billion times per second and a "micro drum" vibrating at radio frequencies 11 million times per second. Compared to previously reported experiments combining microscopic machines and electromagnetic radiation, the rate of energy exchange in the NIST device -- the "coupling" that reflects the strength of the connection -- is much stronger, the mechanical vibrations last longer, and the apparatus is much easier to make.
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