James A.
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Feed SubscriptionProfessor proposes challenge to prove whether people can see entangled images
(PhysOrg.com) -- Geraldo Barbosa, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Northwestern University has posed an interesting challenge. He wonders if the human eye and brain together are capable of actually seeing entangled images. This is not a philosophical question, as he has phrased the query as part of a practical experiment that someone with the proper lab could actually carry out.
Read More »New generation of superlattice cameras add more ‘color’ to night vision
Recent breakthroughs have enabled scientists from the Northwestern University's Center for Quantum Devices to build cameras that can see more than one optical waveband or "color" in the dark. The semiconducting material used in the cameras – called type-II superlattices – can be tuned to absorb a wide range of infrared wavelengths, and now, a number of distinct infrared bands at the same time.
Read More »Researchers realize high-power, narrowband terahertz source at room temperature
Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a simpler way to generate single-chip terahertz radiation, a discovery that could soon allow for more rapid security screening, border protection, high sensitivity biological/chemical analysis, agricultural inspection, and astronomical applications.
Read More »Fatherhood Lowers Testosterone, Keeps Dads at Home
Men may not go on a hormonal rollercoaster with their pregnant partners, but once the baby shows up, their bodies biologically transition into "daddy mode," suggests a new study finding that levels of testosterone, the "macho" sex hormone, drop in new fathers. "Men are, to a certain degree, hardwired to take care of their kids," study researcher Lee Gettler, of Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, told LiveScience. "This is important because traditional models of human evolution have portrayed women as the gatherers that take care of the kids and stay behind." [More]
Read More »Hiding objects with a terahertz invisibility cloak
Researchers at Northwestern University have created a new kind of cloaking material that can render objects invisible in the terahertz range.
Read More »Study says bisexuality real, but bisexuals say "duh"
Bisexual men sexually attracted to both men and women, according to Northwestern study
Read More »Northwestern research team turns theory of static electricity on its head
(PhysOrg.com) -- Bartosz Grzybowski, a physical chemist at Northwestern University, and his team of colleagues offer evidence in a paper published in Science, that shows that what scientists have believed to be true about the causes behind the creation of static electricity, is wrong.
Read More »Laughter Leads to Insight
Stumped by a crossword puzzle?
Read More »Researchers create terahertz invisibility cloak
Researchers at Northwestern University have created a new kind of cloaking material that can render objects invisible in the terahertz range.
Read More »Does Use of Google Apps Discriminate Against the Blind?
Google's tools don't easily translate into synthesized speech or Braille. Now the National Federation of the Blind has issued a federal complaint with the Justice Department, alleging that university use of Google Apps for Education amounts to discrimination.
Read More »Japan’s Giant Shock Rattles Ideas about Earthquake Behavior
By Richard Monastersky "This earthquake is a lesson in humility," says Emile Okal, a geophysicist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, who studies great earthquakes and tsunamis. [More]
Read More »A New Tool for Creative Thinking: Mind-Body Dissonance
Did you ever get the giggles during a religious service or some other serious occasion?
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