The ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility has begun to function as a research tool. Of the seven experimental beamlines scientists can use to analyse their samples, the first which has begun to work is the BOREAS line, addressed to studying materials through X-ray spectroscopy. The experiments are being conducted between 6 and 10 June with the aim of studying the magnetic behaviour of specific nanoparticles which improve the properties of superconductor tapes, so that they can transmit larger amounts of electricity more efficiently.
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Feed SubscriptionA Pinot Noir Celebration at Four Seasons Maui
Many travelers visit Four Seasons Resorts for their luxurious accommodations and consistent service, but others are drawn to the properties for their Unforgettable Events, a new series of unique experiences in sports, wellness, and food and wine.
Read More »Topological insulators: Researchers map path to quantum electronic devices
A team of Duke University engineers has created a master "ingredient list" describing the properties of more than 2,000 compounds that might be combined to create the next generation of quantum electronics devices.
Read More »Physicists find patterns in new state of matter
( -- Physicists at the University of California, San Diego have discovered patterns which underlie the properties of a new state of matter.
Read More »Simulating strongly correlated fermions opens the door to practical superconductor applications
Combining known factors in a new way, theoretical physicists Boris Svistunov and Nikolai Prokof'ev at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, with three alumni of their group, have solved an intractable 50-year-old problem: How to simulate strongly interacting quantum systems to allow accurate predictions of their properties.
Read More »New measurements of W boson mass point to Higgs mass and test Standard Model
( -- The world’s most precise measurement of the mass of the W boson, one of nature’s elementary particles, has been achieved by scientists from the CDF and DZero collaborations at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The new measurement is an important, independent constraint of the mass of the theorized Higgs boson
Read More »Spin-orbit sum rule to speed up X-ray scattering research
A new theory developed by Prof Gerrit van der Laan, from the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and Diamond Light Source, and published this week in the journal Physical Review Letters, provides a powerful sum rule that scientists can use to explore the properties of novel materials, such as those used for spintronics devices.
Read More »Optical nanoantennas enable efficient multipurpose particle manipulation
University of Illinois researchers have shown that by tuning the properties of laser light illuminating arrays of metal nanoantennas, these nano-scale structures allow for dexterous optical tweezing as well as size-sorting of particles.
Read More »Shearing triggers odd behavior in microscopic particles
( -- Microscopic spheres form strings in surprising alignments when suspended in a viscous fluid and sheared between two plates — a finding that will affect the way scientists think about the properties of such wide-ranging substances as shampoo and futuristic computer chips.
Read More »Secrets of the ‘Levitating’ Slinky: Viral web videos trigger physicists to explore a striking phenomenon
While holiday shoppers search frantically for the Moshi Monsters, LeapPad Explorers, or Lalaloopsy Silly Hair dolls atop their children's wish lists, many physicists remain engrossed in the properties of a simple 1940s-era toy -- the Slinky.
Read More »String theory researchers simulate big-bang on supercomputer
( -- A trio of Japanese physicists have applied a reformulation of string theory, called IIB, whereby matrices are used to describe the properties of the physical universe, on a supercomputer, to effectively show that the universe spontaneously ballooned in three directions, leaving the other six dimensions tightly wrapped, as string theory has predicted all along.
Read More »How My Client Became My Partner
After working together as client and vendor, a real estate broker teamed up with his Web services provider to launch a firm that combines each of their best skills. Great business partnerships are often forged out of friendship. Sergey Brin and Larry Page met in college.
Read More »Level Up: Gamers Become Scientists By Competing To Design The Best RNA Molecules
EteRNA, the new project from the brains behind FoldIt, wants to create and study RNA molecules to help cure diseases. Turn out if you give a gamer a chance, they can design RNA molecules far better than any computer. There are two ways to become a biochemical engineer.
Read More »Single magnesium ion brought to standstill by means of novel, simple laser cooling
Quantum logic is quite a new and absolutely fascinating field of physics and might – ultimately – lead to the fabrication of a quantum computer. And it could also aid the search for the "theory of everything" – the missing link between traditional physics and quantum physics. One of the fundamental questions hereby is whether fundamental constants possibly vary.
Read More »Antimatter sticks around
By successfully confining atoms of antihydrogen for an unprecedented 1,000 seconds, an international team of researchers called the ALPHA Collaboration has taken a step towards resolving one of the grand challenges of modern physics: explaining why the Universe is made almost entirely of matter, when matter and antimatter are symmetric, with identical mass, spin and other properties. The achievement is remarkable because antimatter instantly disappears on contact with regular matter such that confining antimatter requires the use of exotic technology.
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