During a press conference this weekend, Miami Dolphins Wide Receiver Brandon Marshall revealed that he has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, a serious emotional disorder which leads to severe depression. CBSNews.com's Ken Lombardi reports.
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Feed SubscriptionPhysicists offer countermeasure to new quantum eavesdropping attack
(PhysOrg.com) -- As early communications systems using quantum cryptography become commercially available, physicists have been investigating new types of security attacks in an effort to defend against them. In a recent study, researchers have identified and demonstrated a new, highly effective way to eavesdrop on a quantum key distribution (QKD) system that involves blinding the receiver’s detector during the "dead time" of single-photon detectors.
Read More »Faxing Without Paper
%excerpt% Excerpt from: Faxing Without Paper
Read More »When Writing a Business Plan Is a Waste of Time
Walk into any bank in the country and ask for a loan to start a business and the knee jerk reaction of the banker behind the desk will be to ask you to write a business plan—even though they themselves have likely never written one and will not base their lending decision on its content. The problem with writing a business plan as a start-up is that it will be based on one assumption on top of another. If your first assumption is flawed, then the whole thing is useless.
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