The big search engines are now using social content to shape results pages. Time to rethink your online marketing? These days, two frequently asked question of my agency are, "How does all of this social media content and sharing impact my search engine rankings?" and "Do my social network status updates in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn help these rankings?" The short answer is, yes, your social activity does have an impact on search results—and, more to the point, so does your company's activity.
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Tag Archives: search-results
Feed SubscriptionTevatron experiments close in on favored Higgs mass range
( -- Experiments at the Department of Energy’s Fermilab are close to reaching the critical sensitivity that is necessary to look for the existence of a light Higgs particle. Scientists from both the CDF and DZero collider experiments at Fermilab will present their new Higgs search results at the EPS High-Energy Physics conference, held in Grenoble, France, from July 21-27.
Read More »Google’s Anti-Spam Tweaks Impacted 12% of Search Queries
Earlier this year, Google made a few changes to its search system to try to fight the tendency of content from spam sites and content farms to rise to the top of results. Now it’s saying that those changes have impacted 12% of all search queries
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