Saying you are fond of someone might make you actually like that person, according to a study in the October 2011 issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes . Psychologists showed 39 students a series of photographs of people who had been previously judged as neither pleasant nor unpleasant and instructed them to say the word “likable” or “unlikable” while viewing each one.
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Feed SubscriptionEdmodo, A "Facebook For Schools," Chalks Up API To Become Classroom Platform
Digital adoption in schools has been slow because of the overhead involved. That changes today.
Read More »The Research Works Act would deny taxpayers access to federally funded research.
The short of it ( covered in depth by Michael Eisen , and Razib tipped me off to the issue ) is that Carolyn Maloney, a congresswoman funded by Elsevier, which is a major for-profit publishing company, is trying to pass the Research Works Act, which would deny Americans free access to research funded by taxpayer money. Currently, any research funded by the National Institute of Health must be made freely available to the public 12 months after publication. You can see why for-profit publishing companies do not like this policy.
Read More »Why Penn State Students Rioted—They Deify Joe Paterno
STATE COLLEGE, Pa.--Last night I witnessed the aftermath of the brief, angry riot at Penn State: an overturned news van being righted by a bulldozer, debris from battered cars and upended trash cans littering the street, college kids in “Joe Knows Football” t-shirts stumbling away from College Avenue with pepper sprayed red eyes and tear-stained faces, courtesy of the police. The students had reacted violently to the 10 p.m
Read More »Arithmetic Progression: U.S. Education Assessment Shows Modest but Steady Gains in Math Scores
New data from a national math test show that U.S.
Read More »Prep Schools Lead The Way On Sustainable Living
A prep school's new environmental center turns energy use into a living game. Illustration by Radio After spending their childhood playing online games, students at Choate Rosemary Hall will soon be able to live inside one
Read More »High School Students Build A Farmer’s Market In A Food Desert
Bertie Country, North Carolina, is an agricultural community, but most of its residents still don't have access to fresh food. With this new market, they will--plus some beautiful architecture.
Read More »For Tips On Convincing The Risk-Adverse To Adopt New Tech, Look To The Murphy Bed
Risk and fear of the unknown are the biggest obstacles companies face when trying to convince other organizations to adopt new technology. Even if you have a compelling value proposition, unless there is convincing evidence that the product or service works as promised, companies won’t change. One of my clients is a South American company called HiddenBed , the developer of a cleverly designed bed/desk combination.
Read More »Saying No to Expansion
Brandon Labman and Tom Moore's staffing company, ROCS, thrives in its niche market, staffing entry-level jobs. Here's how ROCS says no to expansion but yes to growth
Read More »Feeding the Grid with Sunshine at College
Being green when I was in college meant recycling at most. But the students at Butte College in Oroville, California , will go a lot further, thanks to the Central Valley sunshine. [More]
Read More »Education Reform in the Wrong Direction: High-Stake Consequences for New York State Teachers and Their Students
June was the busiest month of the academic year for New York State high school teachers and their students.
Read More »Weinergate: Private Records in a Public Age
History is littered with private indiscretions made public--some have just been more public than others:
Read More »IBM Smarter City Classes Seek Solutions For Emergency Rooms, Public Transit, And "The Crotch"
IBM has announced the 50 recipients of its “Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Awards” and $10,000 grants for designing classes geared toward the technologies, markets, and applications in which IBM has a vested interest. Including one particularly gnarly Chicago transit hub. On Thursday, technology giant IBM announced the 50 recipients of its inaugural “ Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Awards ,” in essence a $10,000 grant for designing classes geared toward the technologies, markets, and applications in which IBM has a vested interest--urban transportation and health care apps, for example.
Read More »Loss of TV Friends Can Cause Distress
“Believe it or not, George isn’t at home, please leave a message at the beep.” So what happens when you can’t get George? Some viewers have a tough time.
Read More »8 Neat Ways To Utilize Virtual Events
Conferences, symposiums, and meetings are going virtual for some companies.
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