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"A Bit Amish" Comics Legend Alan Moore Goes Online To Honor Harvey Pekar

The notoriously reclusive Alan Moore talks with us about Harvey Pekar’s influence, quantum physics, Frank Miller’s rant, why he usually avoids the Internet, and his unprecedented videoconference to raise Kickstarter cash for a Pekar memorial statue. Alan Moore authored what many consider the seminal graphic novel of the 20th century, Watchmen.

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The Library Treasure Hunt

More adventures in gamifying higher education. One challenge facing journalism educators in this age of instant-access Internet is getting students to leave the warm glow of their computer screens to conduct primary source research

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"Building An Actual Time Machine Would’ve Been Easier": The Making Of "Terra Nova"

How Terra Nova executive producer Brannon Braga realized Steven Spielberg’s vision, managed the most expensive TV budget ever, and survived all those friggin’ dinosaurs without losing his mind. Being in charge of an epic, Steven Spielberg-backed, eco-themed, sci-fi time-travel tale with digital dinosaurs and a reported $15 million pilot is pressure enough. Now add a revolving door of writers, mounting executive producers, debate over pilot length, rain-deluged sets in an Australian rainforest, insufficient footage, visual effects delays, and a circling vulture press and it’s amazing Terra Nova executive producer Brannon Braga wasn’t carried off in a straightjacket.

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Secrets To A Successful Fake Twitter Character

With a quarter of a million followers between them, the men and women behind a few of the better faux accounts show us how to create and maintain successful, character-driven Twitter feeds. All kinds of quippy characters populate my Twitter feed. There are the "newsies" intent on dishing out the latest info nuggets, the "media-obsessives" grappling with the state of our industry, those snark-laced counter-punchers I'll call "quipsters," and the "newbies" who, with only a handful of followers, are just beginning to find their way.

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How To Prepare Our Failing Food System For The Future

The recent rise in food prices is just the first warning sign that the way we produce food may not be working so well. There are some important changes that need to be made to continue to feed a growing population. Your local grocery store may be stocked with foods from around the world, but make no mistake: Our food system is starting to fail

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What to Do When Angry Employees Leave

What do you do when you have a bad "break up" with an employee? Here are a few things to think about when it happens, because it will. Over the course of 10 years I've had lovely people come to my e-mail marketing software company VerticalResponse, and sadly they've 'broken up with us' for various reasons

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Conan O’Brien’s Guide To Creativity

When we visited his office on the Warner Bros. lot for this year's 100 Most Creative People in Business package , Conan O'Brien opened up about how he works.

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Amazon Sells More E-Books Than Paper Ones

E-books realize their unbound potential faster than expected as pixels push past paper in Amazon sales. Oh, and, hey, look! Kindles for sale! Since April the first, for every 100 print-and-paper books Amazon has sold, it's also sold 105 e-books, according to a fresh Amazon announcement . Kindle e-readers arrived, along with a small but fast-growing digital bookstore, in November 2007--by July 2010, Amazon notes, Kindle book sales had surpassed hardcover book sales, and then six months later beat the paperback books sales rate

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