The natural herb of Aloe vera has the Latin name of Aloe vera Linn. and belongs to the family Lilliaceae. This particular herb is actually a store house of multiple health giving assets and is primarily a wonderful natural digestive. Ayurveda therapeutic science recommends Aloe vera for a number of digestion maladies like acidity, excessive flatulence, indigestion, constipation, loss of hunger and piles.
Sanskrit Synonyms of the Herb
Aloe vera is mainly known as Kumari in Sanskrit. Some other synonyms as in Ayurveda text are Ghritakumari (the fleshly pulp inside the leaves of the herb resembles ghee) and Grihakanya. In India the herb of Aloe vera is known by the name Gwarapatha in Hindi language and the English name of the herb is Indian Aloe.
Herb Description
The herb of Aloe vera grows one to two feet high, has big and fleshy leaves with mildly thorny outline. The light yellow colored juice obtained from the leaf generally solidifies on cooling. This is called Aloes which contains the glucoside Aloin. Although there are many varieties of the herb found world over, three varieties of Aloes viz. Curaccao Aloes, Socotrine Aloes and Cape Aloes feature in Indian pharmacopoeia.
Natural Properties of the Herb
Aloe vera is slimy and mucoid by nature, and cold in action. It is bitter in taste and has a pungent after taste. Therefore in Ayurveda it is believed to subside the vitiated pitta and kapha doshas or the heat and phlegm body humors.
Medicinal Benefits of the Herb
- So as to enhance digestion, the pulp extracted from the leaves of the herb may be taken orally preferably with some Saindhav salt added to it on an empty stomach first time in the morning.
- The fresh juice extracted from Aloe vera when taken in a dose of ten to twenty ml two or three times in a day is a good cure for relieving acidity.
- Aloe vera also provides natural boost to your physical stamina. A home remedy for this is to hundred grams of pulp of the herb you need to add approx. one kg of milk. Mix the ingredients together and heat on low fire. After this you may add some sugar or mishri and this is to be taken twice a day in a dose of one teaspoon.
- After keeping the pulp of Aloe vera in a container for some time, the juice would separate from the same. This may be taken three or four times in a day as an effective home remedy for urine infection.
- Aloe vera aids in regulating the menstrual flow in females. Therefore a number of medicines are prepared with Aloe vera as the main ingredient.
- Having the property of blood purification, the herb of Aloe vera is also beneficial in healing wounds, oedema, pain, inflammation and other skin diseases. Both external as well as internal use is recommended.
- Aloe vera aids as natural supportive therapy for maladies of constipation and haemmorhides. Regular use of Aloe vera proves beneficial in both ailments. Kumariasav is generally prescribed by Ayurveda physicians and makes effective natural cure.
- The juice extracted from the pulp of the herb can be applied on the skin in case of burns and it provides both soothing as well as healing benefits.
- As for inflammation in the skin tissue along with pain and swelling, here is another home remedy. You need to mix some turmeric powder into the pulp of Aloe vera and this has to be heated on fire and can be applied to the affected part for relief.
- Nowadays a number of cosmetics contain Aloe vera as the chief constituent. In Ayurvedic texts it has been said that the fresh juice applied on the face can result into fairness and loss of blemishes.
- Aloe vera is also regarded as a Rasayana i.e. that which strengthens the immune system of the body and keeps the disease away.

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