Happy July everybody!
In this exciting issue of the Philippe Matthews Show, read…
News | World
Rudi Dekkers, native of the Netherlands and owner of Huffman Aviation International, the flight school on Florida’s Gulf Coast where two of the September 11 high-jackers, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, took flying lessons, will launch his book ‘Guilty by Association’ The Untold Story of Rudi Dekkers. http://bit.ly/k2bFNz
Personal Development
Did you know you were born rich? According to prosperity guru, Bob Proctor says, “We’ve got deep reservoirs of talent and abilities within us,” Bob explained. “There’s so much power locked up in us and it’s never used. We’re rich resources – everyone is, most people are just a little short of money but riches…the most erudite scientist alive won’t guess at what you and I are capable of doing.” http://bit.ly/jEuJry
Money & Finance
If you haven’t listened to my exclusive Radio interview with Sherrin Ross Ingram, click here now http://bit.ly/j1goZ2 to listen. But make sure you read about her timeless book, Wealth Mentality and why it is imperative to have one in the new world economy. http://bit.ly/ljELUb
An Excerpt from my book the Shock Wealth System – Meeting Bob Proctor Changed My LIFE! My SHOCKing Trip to Toronto, Canada! Since the age of 10, I have been studying metaphysical principles, universal laws and truth after being introduced to the teachings of the Reverend Doctor Johnnie Colemon. I am a staunch believer in and proponent of the idea that prosperity is our birthright. http://bit.ly/lLlM6D
Rudi Dekkers, native of the Netherlands and owner of Huffman Aviation International, the flight school on Florida’s Gulf Coast where two of the September 11 high-jackers, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, took flying lessons speaks candidly about how and when he found out he had trained the terrorist to fly. DO NOT MISS this startling interview on the book; Guilty By Association’ The Untold Story of Rudi Dekkers!
- HEAR it here -> http://bit.ly/iEwM1b
- READ it here -> http://bit.ly/k2bFNz
The Essence of Strategy with Sherrin Ross Ingram http://bit.ly/j1goZ2
Steve Berlack on the Philippe Matthews Show http://bit.ly/iOCDSY
What If You Won the Lottery with Dr. Penelope Tzougros http://bit.ly/mId2ES
Designing the Blueprint for Entrepreneurial Success with Stedman Graham – p4. Attorney Marc J. Lane expresses what clients want when they come to his office. Marc also answers the question, What Kind of Advisers Does An Entrepreneur Need. “How best to associate with other players in order to advance their agenda,” Marc offers.
Valentina Cirasola features the Small Hours Of Vacation Nights. “The first thing I do at the beginning of the year is to place my vacations on the calendar, create a vacation fund and then all the other goals to achieve during the year.” http://bit.ly/jhIihY
Dr. Penelope Tzougros, author and columnist of Wealthy Choices offers Estate Planning: Part One. She says, “When the sun is shining and you are having fun, it is sure hard to think of it all ending. But as responsible adults—ouch– that makes us sound old or too serious— we must take on estate planning.” http://bit.ly/kxNbHF
In our July issue of the Philippe Matthews Show, CiCi Li, AKA, CiCi Licious! introduces us to How to Make Japanese Shrimp Lollipop @ Geisha. http://bit.ly/kF9uBt
David Kenward, better known as the “Mental Coach discusses the power of The Power of Possibility. David says, “Every so often I work with someone who powerfully reaffirms my belief in the power of possibility. Jason Butler is one of those people.” http://bit.ly/kgmZoU
What Are Your Natural Talents? Success Expert, Best-Selling Author and Coach Brian Tracy, has a theory: if you put your best natural talents to work for you, you can unleash your potential. The result: you do more of what you love, while making more money and enjoying more free time! The first step: reveal your natural talents. Find out what they are by reading Brian’s FREE special report, “Discover Your Talents.” It’s 12 powerful pages of advice you can use immediately to uncover what you’re best at so you can exploit it and live a better life. Get it here: http://ht.ly/5fqWN
Don’t Forget To Download The Philippe Matthews Show On Your Smart Phone! @ http://bit.ly/icaGL1
Want Your Own Personal iPhone App? Visit my friends Howie and Chris to get your very own; personal iPhone/Android App for your business here –> http://thepmshow.tv/mypersonalapp
The Philippe Matthews Show will teach you how to write, publish and market your book in six weeks or less for $5 on fiverr.com http://bit.ly/mzq8Cj
The Philippe Matthews Show will send you my How to Make Millions When Thousands Have Been Laid Off ebook featuring Stedman Graham for $5 on fiverr.com http://bit.ly/j38Q3w
The Philippe Matthews Show recommends you get the SHOCK Wealth System eBook (Second Edition) http://bit.ly/9697f for only $9.95!
The Philippe Matthews Show recommends that you learn how to Manifest Beyond Metaphysics; get the Shock Philosophy http://bit.ly/j36WRQ today!