Listen to My Exclusive Interview with Teresa Garland
IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test
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If you are a mom-to-be and need to know the sex of your baby before your ultrasound, you need IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test!
In this exclusive interview with IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test co-founder, Teresa Garland, you will discover how two moms made mom’s to be very happy!
With very little competition in the marketplace, IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test has revolutionized baby gender discovery with the world’s first in-home, urine based Gender Prediction Test™.
Founded in 2006, to date IntelliGender has sold more than 750,000 Gender Prediction Test kits to satisfied moms around the world! IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test believes at the core of their success is the goal of providing a high quality, fun, and affordable pre-birth experience for expectant mothers.
IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test, Co-Founder, Teresa Garland says, “The product line continues to expand.” now including more exciting products for Mom and baby. Their new IntelliCeuticals™ products are purported to be made of herbal extracts, proven remedies, and flower essences; formulated to promote emotional or psychological health, physical, and bring back balance in the body.
IntelliGender History
The journey of IntelliGender begins with two working moms who have seven children between them had a conversation one day that lead to the question; “there must be a better way”. Curious about knowing the gender of their babies as soon as possible, Teresa and Rebecca felt there had to be a way to bridge the curiosity gap between conception and Ultrasound. So, in 2005 the ladies reached into their personal network and began identifying a group of medical and business professionals to help make early gender prediction a reality. They assembled a world class organization ultimately forming IntelliGender® to research the development of an inexpensive, in-home gender prediction test. With an entrepreneurial spirit, they obtained the necessary capital and engaged scientists, chemists and engineers to help realize their dream. By November of 2006, Teresa and Rebecca launched the IntelliGender® Gender Prediction Test™, the world’s first, in-home, urine based test for gender prediction in the market. Teresa says, “We are thrilled to be able to offer parents-to-be a fun, affordable pre-birth experience to share the joy of discovery with their family and friends!”
Boy or Girl. Pink or blue, let IntelliGender tell you! Get clear results in 10 minutes! IntelliGender’s Gender Prediction Test (G.P.T) is designed for easy home use by expectant mothers curious about their baby’s gender. G.P.T. is a simple-to-use urine test that can be performed as early as 6 weeks following the first day of your missed period and provides clear results in just 10 minutes!
Research and Development
From the very beginning when Teresa and Rebecca asked the question, “there must be a better way”, both have made a commitment to applying solid science, strong investments in research and continual product and process improvement. Early after initial research began, the company founders sought out the foremost experts in the field. Shortly after the initial product was launched, a Rice University PhD chemist, who (as a graduate student) was part of a 1996 Nobel Prize winning research team in chemistry, was added to the Intelligender research team, making significant contributions to continued product enhancements. Recently the company added a renowned microbiologist to the team tasked with bringing even more product innovations to the market. With the addition of the IntelliCeuticals line, an entirely new group of specialists have been added with the goal of developing the world’s best and most innovative products for the pregnancy and early post pregnancy markets.
Enjoy the Mom-To-Be Slide Show!
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