The history of tobacco is in one of the most beautiful island nations of Hispaniola, the Dominican Republic that dates back to hundreds of years, perhaps even before the arrival of Columbus. The indigenous tribes had taken advantage of their fertile plains and soil-enriched valleys, such as Cibao, as well as the micro climates, growing wide varieties of tobacco, infused with subtle to strong flavors.
It took a while for the Dominican Republic to be recognized, as traders and cartels prefer those grown in Cuba. Nevertheless, time has done it justice, and the country is now highly esteemed in the industry.
The HE Cigar Brand
HE Cigars is a partnership between some of the most well-known tobacco connoisseurs all around the globe and the LDE Group. The main thrust is to bring the Dominican-flavored tobacco, wrapped in carefully chosen leaves sourced out from different parts of the world, into the market—and right into your own home and office.
To ensure the preservation of the Hispaniola taste, HE Cigars has set up its own production facility in Tamboril. It is also here that they get to be more creative, playing with the assorted tobacco flavors until they can come up with their own. To date, the company has impressed more than 15 private labels, and thousands of tobacco aficionados have enjoyed the one-of-a-kind flavors brought by HE Cigars.
Premium Leaves
The Dominican Republic tobacco is paired with nothing but premium-quality leaves, such as Habana 2000, which makes the cigar silky and dark. The flavor, on the other hand, is described as toasty—something every man looks for in every puff.
Habana Maduro remains to be one of the best choices for cigar wrappers because of its extremely rich earthy flavor. The cigar smells sweet while the smoke is very smooth. It is an ideal option for first-time cigar smokers, as it brings out a truly pleasant experience.
Dark brown Cameroon wrappers are incredibly wild, teasing you with their excellent combination of sweetness and spiciness, while the shaded leaves of Connecticut are preferred by the gentlemen and women who want a thinner and more even flavor, as well as a slow burn.
The Well-crafted Box
HE Cigars are currently available in different packages. Carton boxes with 3 to 5 units are available for the budget conscious. The samplers are perfect for the ones who can’t make up their minds yet. Meanwhile, a contemporary carton box can be customized according to your preference; it can bear the logo and the name of your own brand.
The best deal, however, is provided by the cedar box, which can contain up to 25 premier tobaccos. The cedar chest ensures the longevity of every cigar, protecting from the growth of mold and fungi and presence of insects. The well-crafted chest itself is also a standout in terms of durability and design. As a sign of its superior craftsmanship, the inside bears the official seal of HE Cigars.
HE Cigars—a loving gift, a play of flavors, a rarity.
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