Robert T. Kiyosaki
Robert T. Kiyosaki on Wealth Mindset
In this feature interview on the Philippe Matthews Show, I speak with Robert T. Kiyosaki on Wealth Mindset! You will discover how he deals with his depression using Donald Trump!
By: Philippe Matthews
In countless countries and in every bookstore, Robert T. Kiyosaki on Wealth Mindset is world renown on creating generational wealth! On several interviews with Robert T. Kiyosaki, he shared candidly with me on the Philippe Matthews Show, his philosophy and discipline on boldness, Donald Trump, racial depression and paying the price to be rich.
Born and raised in Hawaii, Robert Kiyosaki is a fourth-generation Japanese- American. After graduating from college in New York, Robert joined the Marine Corps and served in Vietnam as an officer and helicopter gunship pilot. Following the war, Robert worked for the Xerox Corporation in sales. In 1977, he started a company that brought the first nylon Velcro ‘surfer wallets’ to market. And in 1985 he founded an international education company that taught business and investing to tens of thousands of students throughout the world.
In 1994 Robert sold his business and retired at the age of 47. During his short-lived retirement, Robert, in collaboration with co-author Sharon Lechter, his CPA and business partner wrote the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Soon after he wrote Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant, Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing, Rich Kid Smart Kid, Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich and Rich Dad’s Prophecy – all of which earned spots on the best-seller lists of The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, The New York Times, E-Trade.com, amazon.com and others. Prior to becoming a best-selling author, Robert created an educational board game – CASHFLOW® 101 – to teach individuals the financial strategies that his Rich Dad spent years teaching him. It was those financial strategies that allowed Robert to retire young.
In August of 2003, the Robert T. Kiyosaki on Wealth Mindset movement began with the launch of CASHFLOW THE E-GAME. Today gamers from around the world in over forty countries and forty seven states can test their financial skills online twenty for hours a day as members of Rich Dad’s INSIDERS playing CASHFLOW online. In 2001, the first of the series of Rich Dad’s Advisers books was launched. This team of professionals supports Robert’s belief that “business and investing are team sports.” Several of the seven Rich Dad’s Adviser books have made the top best-sellers lists.
In Robert’s words; “We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them. Then they can enjoy the luxuries of this great world we live in.”
Philippe Matthews
You say that most people are not willing to pay the price to be rich; what is paying the price?
Robert Kiyosaki
“There are many ways in which you can become rich. For example, most people try to get rich by being cheap and the price for that is that you live cheap and there is so much money out there, why would you want to live cheap? People, who live below their means, save for a rainy day – the price is a cheap life. There are a lot of people who have a lot of money but at the end of the process they are still cheap so they have made money their God. They are hoarding their money and the problem with that is Greenspan is printing it faster than they can order it so their money is going down in value. The price is their life. Even when I was broke, I didn’t live cheap.”
Philippe Matthews
How was that possible? To be broke and not be cheap?
Robert Kiyosaki
“It was mindset…nothing but mindset.”
Philippe Matthews
What are some of the other ways one can become rich?
Robert Kiyosaki
“Another way of getting rich is you can marry somebody and the price for that is you know what they call you? The third way to get rich is to be a crook but there is a price for that too. Unfortunately, most crooks are not in jail. Another way to get try and get rich is to try and be lucky by playing the lottery or going to Vegas. There are a million ways to get there but each of the process has a price to it. I am not here to pass judgment but if you want to marry a rich woman or a rich guy that is up to you but I personally would not do that.”
Philippe Matthews
Let’s talk about that briefly; being altruistic, let’s say that you didn’t marry for money but the person you married happens to have money, is there a price you still have to pay?
Robert Kiyosaki
“Absolutely. The price is called your knowledge. You always know that you did not earn it. If you took all of my money away, I would have it right back. I don’t really care about money. I mean I do but why worry about it because I can make my own money all the time. So why would I go and sell my body for it? I know a couple who really think that they made it but what they are doing is they are living off of a rich person. This one woman married a rich attorney and she thinks she made it but the fact is you married a guy who makes a lot of money. Two years ago she was broke and now she lives on Park Avenue. Call a spade a spade. If he left, would she still have the money if she had to make it on her own; she would have to sue him.”
Philippe Matthews
I have noticed over the years that you and your wife Kim are on the same page and I distinctly remember the Porsche story where Kim told you to get and asset to pay for the liability.
Robert Kiyosaki
“I still have that Porsche and I still have the asset and I don’t have the bill.”
Philippe Matthews
How much was it luck that you found a wife that was on the same wealth building page and had the same values as you toward building wealth?
Robert Kiyosaki
“I was very clear. Coming through the sixties and seventies, that was the era of the hippies and I was a marine; I would meet these hippie chicks who would tell me that money was not important and I would say, ‘well, I guess I have to find somebody else then.’ Before we got married, I wanted to make sure that we had the same values.”
Philippe Matthews
Interesting. So right up front during the dating process you scoped that out?
Robert Kiyosaki
“Oh, absolutely! Today, I wouldn’t be here without her. She is the brains of the outfit but she really wanted to learn what my rich dad had taught me so she has taken off like a duck to water. She has her own corporations; she has her own cash flow. We don’t have prenups and all of that but if we ever split, it’s already split. She has her own corporations and assets but the most important thing is that we work together and have fun together. I always say, first of all, she is my best friend, secondly she is my business partner and thirdly she is my wife. So I didn’t marry one of these bimbo types. The smartest thing I ever did was marry her.”
Philippe Matthews
Were you willing to be alone before finding the wife who fit your values?
Robert Kiyosaki
“You have a choice in life. Would you rather be lonely or miserable? I would rather be lonely. A lot of people are miserable in a marriage and they don’t get along with their wife or husband and it’s not worth it.”
Philippe Matthews
When you were faced with losing your business and losing money, were you married to Kim at the time?
Robert Kiyosaki
“Yes I was.”
Philippe Matthews
How did she support you when you didn’t make money and lost your income?
Robert Kiyosaki
“She just hugged me.”
Philippe Matthews
She never told you to go out and get a job or used your lost against you?
Robert Kiyosaki
“Absolutely not. Absolutely not! She is the best, most genuinely loving person I ever met. She worried but she was never like, ‘when are you going to go out and get a job?!’ She would say, ‘we will work through this together.’ We have learned so much together.”
The Robert T. Kiyosaki on Wealth Mindset, Rich Dad’s Organization is the collaborative effort of Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
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