Bruce and Ruth Davis of Silent Stay Retreat
One of the biggest disadvantages of keeping up with the times is that there’s almost no time to rest. All throughout the day, a person needs to beat the rush hour, to be on top of the game, to be competitive, and to run as fast as he can to reach his dreams. In the end, he sleeps miserable, exhausted, and most probably thinking, “Why am I really here in the first place?”
Even the mind and the soul require a little bit of rest. And right there in the Napa Valley, sitting close to the rest of California’s panoramic and naturally luxurious wine country, is the retreat a weary soul has been looking for.
The Silent Stay Retreat Home and Hermitage is a haven and a refuge of everyone who needs life’s redirection, a moment of pause, or a time for healing. It is the perfect place to reassess oneself and, depending on a person’s spiritual beliefs or religion, search for God and foster a stronger relationship with Spirit.
The retreat home, which lies in more than 20 acres of lush vegetation and nourished land, is founded and run by Bruce and Ruth Davis. Bruce is the best-selling author of The Magical Child within You and Hugs and Kisses, which centers around the act of loving one’s life fully. His most recent works include The Heart of Healing, The Calling of Joy, and My Little Flowers.
While taking his doctorate degree, he was mentored by someone who taught him how to interact with the others through dreams. This eventually started his spiritual journey, taking him to places such as the Philippines, India, and Indonesia. He’s also participated in and guided numerous retreats, including two centers in Assisi, Italy, dubbed as some of the best in the world by travel magazines.

Ruth Davis
His partner, Ruth, grew up as a devotional dancer and a Surat Shabd yogi. Besides teaching, she brings participants into a Sacred Movement Ritual, a unique kind of meditation composed of seven kinesthetic contemplations or reflections. She is also certified in neuro-linguistic programming and Ayurvedic medicine.
In order to cultivate 100 percent silence in the retreat home, guests are not allowed to bring any form of communication device such as mobile phones and laptops, but they can tag along some books, or a Kindle as well as notebooks and pens for journaling. The number of rooms is also very limited—the center can accommodate no more than 10 people—but everyone is free to share the public spaces, such as the living room and the dining room. Guests bring their own food, and the kitchen is theirs to use at any time. They may also order takeout or shop for groceries prior to checking in.
Every quarter provides a sweeping view of California’s fertile lands and Sierra Mountains and access to natural light, such as daylight. Guests can sit by the window or out in the balcony for their moments of reflection. Many do prefer to sit on the grassy lawns, explore the acreage, as well as interact with many animals like ducks and deer that have found their home there.
Silent Stay welcomes with open arms anyone who has the need to rediscover themselves. Come here and take a blissful rest.
Book Your Silent Stay TODAY!