What is a Rebel Belle?
A Rebel Belle is a woman who fully trusts, owns and aligns with her power to embrace the freedom and joy of boldly expressing her voice in the world, full out and in her terms!
To discover if you are a Rebel Belle, sign-up to take my questionnaire on the home page.
Who is this Rebel Belle?
I am Tuck Self, a self-proclaimed “personal growth enthusiast” with a passion for squeezing as much juice and joy out of this journey as I can. As a southern woman, I was raised to do what is “appropriate” and to make everyone around me as comfortable as possible, even at the expense of my own happiness. My journey has been one of finding and reclaiming my voice and boldly expressing that to the world, without fear and on my terms. (Want the long version? Click here.)
How did I do this? I have studied, mentored with and applied the tools and techniques of industry leaders, including Bob Proctor, Loral Langemeier and many more. I am a trained Life Development Coach in Communication and Listening, Certified Natural Law Coach, Master Fitness by Phone Coach, Human Design Specialist and Consultant, and Intuitive Eating Coach. I have done my work.
I am excited to share with you Carpe BellePower Coaching and the Human Design System (which I call “The Freedom Tool”), my personal products and services that show you how to build a solid foundation of trust and alignment with your personal power. My programs include tools, strategies, exercises, techniques and a proven system for self-empowerment and owning the power of who you are and what you are here to do.
Want to hear what others have to say?
Check out Human Design testimonials and Carpe BellePower Coaching testimonials from some of my clients. I even have audio testimonials so you can hear it straight from the horse’s mouth!
With the Rebel Belle at your side, a solid set of tools and a foundation of alignment with your truest essence, you can boldly express your voice in the world, embracing freedom and joy full out and on your terms. What a way to live… you want join me?
I’m honored to have the inspirational story of my journey featured in the highly anticipated book, A Juicy Joyful Life. Discover:
• why some women are able to live grounded in the now, cherish the small moments, and look back without regret
• how, despite obstacles like anxiety, depression, addiction, abuse, or loss, we are able to stand tall in our world and shed light on those around us
• that we are living juicy, joyful lives and want to share our inspirational, heartfelt stories with to encourage ALL women to embrace the truth that “where you’ve been does not define where you will go”
If you are looking to go beyond a passive reading experience and journey into the realms of self-discovery, A Juicy Joyful Life will not disappoint. Each story is followed by a journal prompt page with three questions to help the you draw parallels between the lessons in the narrative and your own experience–encouraging you to do the inner work to start living your own Juicy, Joyful Life!
Watch for my story, “The Rebel Belle.”