(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s biggest magnet facility today met the grand challenge of producing magnetic fields in excess of 100 tesla while conducting six different experiments. The hundred-tesla level is roughly equivalent to 2 million times Earth’s magnetic field.
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Feed SubscriptionLos Alamos achieves world-record pulsed magnetic field, moves closer to 100-tesla mark
(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory's Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory have set a new world record for the strongest magnetic field produced by a nondestructive magnet.
Read More »Fire menacing Los Alamos lab nears record size
* Los Alamos lab and town nearby evacuated * 20,000 barrels of plutonium-contaminated waste on site [More]
Read More »New Mexico Wildfire Remains a Threat to Los Alamos National Laboratory
The uncontrolled 60,000-acre Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico, which began June 26 , is raging near Los Alamos National Laboratory, but the lab says that its nuclear materials are protected. [More]
Read More »Criticality experiment succeeds at CEF in Nevada
On June 15 a team of researchers at DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory brought the Planet criticality assembly machine located at the Nevada National Security Site to a supercritical point for approximately eight minutes, successfully repeating an experiment last conducted at Los Alamos in 2004.
Read More »Second Z plutonium ‘shot’ safely tests materials for NNSA
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today announced that researchers from Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories have completed their second experiment in the past six months at Sandia’s Z machine to explore the properties of plutonium materials under extreme pressures and temperatures.
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