Start-ups on a shoestring might not have the money for a public-relations agency or even a PR pro. Here are seven steps to do-it-yourself PR.
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Feed SubscriptionPhysicist creates scale model of LHC ATLAS experiment of out LEGO blocks
( -- The Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland has generated a lot of news of late, e.g. the announcement that a team had found what it believes to be a particle that traveled faster than he speed of light, an actual new particle, and of course the seemingly never-ending storyline associated with the hopeful discovery of the elusive Higgs Boson, now a physicist not associated with the project, has built a scale model replica of the ATLAS experiment; a particle detector that will likely serve as ground zero should the so-called “god particle” ever be observed.
Read More »Are Your Customers Tuning You Out?
Is your communication too noisy?
Read More »Has the Higgs Been Discovered? Physicists Gear Up for Watershed Announcement
The physics buzz reached a frenzy in the past few days over the announcement that the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva is planning to release what is widely expected to be tantalizing--although not conclusive--evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson, the elementary particle hypothesized to be the origin of the mass of all matter. [More]
Read More »Kepler 22-b: Another step closer to finding Earth-like worlds
Comparison of "habitable zone" of Kepler 22 system and our solar system (NASA/Kepler) Today sees the announcement that one of the “candidate” planets listed from NASA’s Kepler mission back in February is now confirmed, and it’s a key one. At 2.4 times the diameter of the Earth the planet Kepler 22-b also orbits its parent star (which is a slightly less massive G-dwarf star than the Sun and 25% less luminous) in 290 Earth-days, which places it within the nominal “ habitable zone “. This system is about 600 light years from us.
Read More »Netflix VP: Why We Moved "Too Fast," And Why "We Were Wrong" On Qwikster
So much for risk. After massive customer backlash, Netflix keeps DVDs in-house, kicks Qwikster to the curb. A company rep tells Fast Company why
Read More »YouTube Launches Politics Channel, Disney To Acquire Indiagames, Brian Lam On Jobs, Gizmodo, And The iPhone 4
Breaking news from your editors at Fast Company, with updates all day. Jobs Biography Pre-orders Up 41,800% On . Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs has seen a surge in pre-orders since the announcement of Jobs' death.
Read More »The Discovery of Quasicrystals: The 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Listen to the announcement of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, to Daniel Shechtman of the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology. [More]
Read More »Discovery of Accelerating Universe Wins 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics
The 2011 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded today to Saul Perlmutter at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Brian Schmidt at the Australian National Lab and Adam Reiss at Johns Hopkins University for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe. “In a universe which is dominated by matter, one would expect gravity eventually should make the expansion slow down, the Royal Swedish Academy’s Olga Botner said this morning at the announcement event in Stockholm
Read More »How Many Slaves Are Working For You?
A new website and mobile app looks at your purchases and determines the amount of forced labor that's gone into everything you own. The number may surprise you.
Read More »Netflix: What We’ve Got Here Is A Failure To Communicate
If there's one movie that should top the queue for Netflix CEO Reed Hastings today, it's
Read More »HP Talks App Strategy, Acquisition, And Zigging When Apple Zags
The reviews for HP's TouchPad are in, and we have a consensus: It mimics the iPad well but is not yet a proper replacement; WebOS is sexy but not yet perfect or fully mature; the TouchPad is a solid but late entry to the tablet market; and where are the apps? This last point is most important. Only a day after reviewers skewered HP for offering just 300 TouchPad apps at launch, Apple hit 100,000 apps on the iPad
Read More »Nintendo Crashes The Tablet World With A Game-Changing Entrance
True, body-enveloping 3-D virtual environments come to everyone's living room with Nintendo's new Wii U controller. Living room entertainment just got one step closer to having a true three-dimensional virtual environment: Nintendo's new Wii U tablet remote control scans a virtual world in true 360 degrees as the user moves it in orbit around his or her body. The brand new technology opens exciting possibilities for not just gaming, but for the exploding tablet market.
Read More »Google, ISIS Plotting The Downfall Of The Magnetic-Strip Credit Card
Two very big developments are about to happen in the NFC space, and together they might eliminate credit cards as we know them. Google has been courting the idea of NFC technology for a while, and it now seems poised to launch a potential game-changer (as Google is wont to do). The Wall Street Journal reported that an announcement from Google on Thursday will reveal its new NFC mobile-payment tech
Read More »You Stay Classy, Axe
The makers of the popular bro-wash (Broap?) create a Facebook app that lets you claim to be dating over a hundred girls at once (but actually obliterates your chances to date even one). Dislike! Oh, Axe .
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