(PhysOrg.com) -- Some scientists call the cosmological constant the "worst prediction of physics." And when today’s theories give an estimated value that is about 120 orders of magnitude larger than the measured value, it’s hard to argue with that title. In a new study, a team of physicists has taken a different view of the cosmological constant, Λ, which drives the accelerated expansion of the universe
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Feed SubscriptionAstronomers Find Evidence of a Special Direction in Space
The universe has no center and no edge, no special regions tucked in among the galaxies and light. No matter where you look, it’s the same--or so physicists thought. This cosmological principle--one of the foundations of the modern understanding of the universe--has come into question recently as astronomers find evidence, subtle but growing, of a special direction in space.
Read More »What Is Life Like in Other Parts of the Multiverse? [Video]
This year has been a painful one for fans of the NFL's Indianapolis Colts, the perennial contender that has fallen to 0–10 on the season . Perhaps Hoosiers can take some small comfort in the thought of a world where star quarterback Peyton Manning is healthy rather than hobbled and the Colts are undefeated rather than winless. If the cosmological concept of the multiverse is correct , such a world could exist right now.
Read More »New evidence for a preferred direction in spacetime challenges the cosmological principle
(PhysOrg.com) -- According to the cosmological principle, there is no special place or direction in the universe when viewed on the cosmic scale. The assumption enabled Copernicus to propose that Earth was not the center of the universe and modern scientists to assume that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. Due to the cosmological principle, scientists also assume that the universe is “homogeneous” - having a uniform structure throughout - and “isotropic” - having uniform properties throughout.
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