Big businesses need to lighten up, get creative and take a few cues from small business owners. It's usually assumed that when it comes to marketing, small businesses can always learn from their larger counterparts, right?
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Feed SubscriptionBetting on an Online Gambling Boom
Is 2012 the year for online poker start-ups? Some entrepreneurs are betting on it, even if they foresee a long road ahead. Stakes are high , and gaming entrepreneurs and casino moguls alike have their stacks on the table, waiting for the next draw.
Read More »Yeti Crabs grow bacteria on their hairy claws
Deep beneath the waters of Costa Rica, dozens of crabs are waving their claws in unison, in what seems to be a rhythmic performance. It’s almost as if these crabs are locked in a ritual dance. But these charming crabs are not dancing.
Read More »Yeti Crab Grows Its Own Food
By Ed Yong of Nature magazine In the deep ocean off the coast of Costa Rica, scientists have found a species of crab that cultivates gardens of bacteria on its claws, then eats them. The yeti crab--so-called because of the hair-like bristles that cover its arms--is only the second of its family to be discovered. [More]
Read More »Ant Thrills: Seeing Leaf-Cutter Ants through an Artist’s Eyes
When Catherine Chalmers headed to Costa Rica for the third time this past January, she had a script in mind that told a very specific story: the stripping of nature.
Read More »Beetle bling: Researchers discover optical secrets of ‘metallic’ beetles
Costa Rica was once regarded as the poorest of all the colonies of the Spanish Empire, sadly deficient in the silver and gold so coveted by conquistadors. As it turns out, all of the glittering gold and silver those explorers could have ever wanted was there all along, in the country's tropical rainforests—but in the form of two gloriously lustrous species of beetle.
Read More »Costa Rica Rock Hunt Goes Far Below Pacific Ocean
By Alex Leff PUNTARENAS, Costa Rica (Reuters) - Scientists set off from Costa Rica on Sunday to drill a hole deep under the sea and directly extract rocks from record depths that could add to the understanding of climate change. [More]
Read More »Costa Rica Rock Hunt Goes Far Below Pacific Ocean
By Alex Leff PUNTARENAS, Costa Rica (Reuters) - Scientists set off from Costa Rica on Sunday to drill a hole deep under the sea and directly extract rocks from record depths that could add to the understanding of climate change. [More]
Read More »Rare Costa Rican birds captured, tagged for study for the first time
A rare bird species that has never been adequately studied by science will now have that situation corrected. Scientists trapped three endangered yellow-billed cotingas ( Carpodectes antoniae ) last month, fitted them with tracking devices and released them unharmed back into the Costra Rican wilderness. The researchers used a nearly invisible nylon mist net to capture the birds--one female and two males--near the town of Rincon on Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula
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