JP Morgans recent multi-billion trading loss reminds us that matters of risk entail a healthy dose of consideration. Here's what you need to know.
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Feed SubscriptionYoung Entrepreneur, Older Employees: How to Cope
Being a young business owner with much older employees to supervise can be awkward. Or not. It depends on how you handle the situation.
Read More »A SHARP new microscope for the next generation of microchips
( -- Moore’s Law, hardly a law but undeniably a persistent trend, says that every year and a half, the number of transistors that fit on a chip roughly doubles. It’s why electronics – from smart phones to flat screens, from MP4 players to movie cameras, from tablets to supercomputers – grow ever more varied, powerful, and compact, but also ever less expensive
Read More »A SHARP new microscope for the next generation of microchips
( -- Moore’s Law, hardly a law but undeniably a persistent trend, says that every year and a half, the number of transistors that fit on a chip roughly doubles. It’s why electronics – from smart phones to flat screens, from MP4 players to movie cameras, from tablets to supercomputers – grow ever more varied, powerful, and compact, but also ever less expensive.
Read More »Electronics Made From Human Blood Cells Suggest Cyborg Interfaces, Spark Nightmares
If the notion of next-generation electronic components made from actual human blood cells chills you, you may not want to read on.
Read More »Signals in a Storm: Seeing Brain Cells Communicate (preview)
If you could pause time for an instant and make yourself small enough to discern individual molecules, the far right of this image is what you might see when one brain cell communicates with another across a synapse--the point of contact between two nerve cells. How the brain senses, thinks, learns and emotes depends on how all its nerve cells, or neurons, communicate with one another. And as a result, many laboratories are working feverishly to understand how synapses function--and how psychiatric drugs, which target them, improve patients’ lives
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