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Fukushima Debris on Course to Hit U.S.

Debris from the devastating tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 has turned up exactly where scientists predicted it would after months of floating across the Pacific Ocean. Finding and confirming where the debris ended up gives them a better idea of where it's headed next. The magnitude 9.0 quake and ensuing tsunami that struck off the coast of Tohoku in Japanwas so

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Rains bring only brief relief to drought-stricken Texas

By Jim Forsyth SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - Scattered heavy rains brought badly needed relief to parched north and west Texas overnight, but forecasters said on Friday that the storms quickly passed and were not enough to break the devastating drought that has gripped the state.

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Economy in Reverse

For the last several months I’ve talked about our economy being in neutral and teetering on the brink of improvement or downturn. With results in for the July SurePayroll Small Business Scorecard in hand, I feel comfortable (but certainly not good) now declaring that we are out of neutral and sliding into reverse. National Data Small business hiring decreased 10 basis points from last month – the tenth month in a row of declining or flat hiring

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Power Outages at Japan’s Fukushima Plant, Cooling Continues

TOKYO (Reuters) - The operator of a crippled Japanese nuclear plant said on Wednesday it had experienced power outages at two of its reactors but it was able to continue the cooling process to bring them under control. Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said it was investigating the power outages at its No. 1 and No

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What Does the Fukushima Meltdown Mean for U.S. Reactors?

"Meltdown." It's one of the scarier words in the nuclear lexicon. When preceded by the word "partial," it's less frightening. And " partial meltdown " was the case for three Japan reactors following the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March.

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Deadly forest fire leads to resurrection of endangered tree

In 2009 six weeks of wildfires in Victoria, Australia, killed 173 people and injured hundreds more, but the fires may have also led to the resurrection of a rare tree that was previously on a path to extinction. Only about 670 Buxton silver gum trees ( Eucalyptus crenulata ) were left in the wild before the devastating Black Sunday bushfires , and they weren't healthy

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Food Fight: The Case for Genetically Modified Food (preview)

Roger Beachy grew up in a traditional Amish family on a small farm in Ohio that produced food “in the old ways,” he says, with few insecticides, herbicides or other agrochemicals. He went on to become a renowned expert in plant viruses and sowed the world’s first genetically modified food crop--a tomato plant with a gene that conferred resistance to the devastating tomato mosaic virus

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