It all started with a summer pool party and a Harvard neuroscientist who prefers to be called Bob. Bob--aka Sandeep Robert Datta--was splashing around the pool with his kids when science writer Carl Zimmer noticed an image of DNA inked to his shoulder. It was not a surprising choice for a tattoo, since Bob studies the DNA of fruit flies
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Feed SubscriptionDNA in a Cup of Water Reveals Lake Denizens
To monitor the biodiversity of a freshwater habitat, you could camp out by the water and count the rare wildlife.
Read More »DNA in a Cup of Water Reveals Lake Denizens
To monitor the biodiversity of a freshwater habitat, you could camp out by the water and count the rare wildlife. Or you could just scoop up a cup of water. A new Dutch study has found that the DNA traces in a small sample of a body of water can reveal the species that live in it.
Read More »Twisting molecules by brute force: A top-down approach
Molecules that are twisted are ubiquitous in nature, and have important consequences in biology, chemistry, physics and medicine. Some molecules have unique and technologically useful optical properties; the medicinal properties of drugs depend on the direction of the twist; and within us – think of the double helix – twisted DNA can interact with different proteins.
Read More »Bedbugs Get Away with Incest
As if bedbugs weren t gross enough already, entomologists have now found that they get ahead by mating with their own mothers, brothers, sisters and fathers.
Read More »TEDxBrooklyn Takeaways: 5 Predictions You Need to Know
Brooklyn's business leaders ponder the future of hacking, crowdfunding, and your customers' shopping habits in the second TEDxBrooklyn. How will you "redefine better" in 2012? Friday's TEDxBrooklyn conference focused on that theme by bringing together some of the biggest forces that have "bettered" the borough in recent years
Read More »It’s Not All About The Big 3: To Kick-Start Michigan’s Economy, Rick DeVos Invests In Art & Startups
A native son of western Michigan, Rick DeVos believes if business can let go of some control and give people big opportunities to test their ideas, they’ll achieve astonishing results. Rick DeVos is a 29-year-old entrepreneur who wants to jump-start the economy in his home state of Michigan. But don’t file him away between developers of lakeside casinos , film production facilitators ,
Read More »False Confessions Confuse Forensics
Confessing to a crime usually is not enough to throw you behind bars.
Read More »9 Nagging Questions To Tune Out When Launching A Startup
So, you’ve decided to do the startup thing, and you’ve told a few people. Turns out everyone and their dog has an opinion about it, regardless of whether or not they’ve ever been in your shoes. Some are flat-out discouraging you, while others are congratulating you and asking some interesting questions you haven’t yet considered
Read More »Can Algae Feed the World and Fuel the Planet? A Q&A with Craig Venter
Microbes will be the (human) food- and fuel-makers of the future, if J.
Read More »Specious Species: Fight against Seafood Fraud Enlists DNA Testing
Escolar masquerading as white tuna. Flounder passing for Vietnamese catfish
Read More »Protein May Make UV Exposure Safer In Morning
The early bird gets the worm--and may avoid skin cancer. Because a new mouse study suggests that, for humans, tanning in the mornings may be less likely to permanently damage DNA and cause skin cancer.
Read More »Protein May Make UV Exposure Safer In Morning
The early bird gets the worm--and may avoid skin cancer. Because a new mouse study suggests that, for humans, tanning in the mornings may be less likely to permanently damage DNA and cause skin cancer
Read More »Exercise shown to curb effect of "obesity gene"
Large-scale study shows that regular workouts can help block obesity-promoting DNA
Read More »Rethinking equilibrium: In nature, large energy fluctuations may rile even ‘relaxed’ systems
An international research team led by the University at Buffalo has shown that large energy fluctuations can rile even a "relaxed" system, raising questions about how energy might travel through structures ranging from the ocean to DNA.
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