Asbestos increases the risk for certain cancers. The fibers are thought to do so by skewering cells, setting off chemical reactions that lead to inflammation, DNA damage and cell death.
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Feed SubscriptionNeutron scattering confirms DNA is as stretchy as nylon
( -- Neutron scientists at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, France) have measured how fast sound travels along DNA to determine its ‘stiffness’. These findings help to explain how DNA folds, coils and denatures.
Read More »Innovation Lessons From Detroit
Author and Detroit native Josh Linkner shares poignant lessons in spurring change from the unfinished story of Motor City's slump and comeback. The City of Detroit has had more ups and downs than the most pampered celebrity divas.
Read More »Summer’s not over yet: 4 ways to reverse sun damage
You may be vigilant with the sunscreen, but here's the bad news: UV radiation alters the actual DNA of your skin cells, causing lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and even cancer. Here's a ray of (UV-free) light: You can reverse sun damage.
Read More »Science after 9/11: How Research Was Changed by the September 11 Terrorist Attacks
Two months after al Qaeda terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center towers in Manhattan on September 11, 2001, analytical chemist John Butler found himself working late nights in his lab, developing DNA assays to identify 911 victims from the tens of thousands of charred human remains recovered at Ground Zero. Thinking back, he still clearly remembers the sense of rising to a national need that was shared by dozens of researchers recruited to the same difficult problem.
Read More »A Store With Only 3 Products And Other Cases For Simplicity
Less products, less choices, more impact? How keeping things simple can bring success
Read More »The Magic of Mojo
What happens when a software company owner, a roller coaster designer, and a condom maker walk into a monastery?
Read More »Top 10 South Asian Entrepreneurs
From IT services to industrial supply, these are the top small businesses run by CEOs of South Asian heritage. I.T. Source Los Angeles No
Read More »Sequencing The Marijuana Genome To Cure Disease, Get You Less High
Medicinal Genomics has just finished sequencing the cannabis genome.
Read More »Marijuana Plant Sequenced
At last, the field of genomics has something to offer Cheech and Chong. DNA sequencing hit a new high last night with the midnight release of the Cannabis sativa genome.
Read More »Once Your Doctor Knows Your Genes, The Sick Become More Than Just A Disease
Cheap genome sequencing will let doctors treat individual patients rather than diseases. That will save lives, because people are often much more complicated than just their symptoms.
Read More »The Material Genome Initiative Puts High-Tech Development On The Fast Track
It can take years for a new engineering feat to go from concept to commercialization. The rechargeable batteries in your phone took 20 years to develop. So the federal government is launching a project to speed up invention and hopefully save U.S
Read More »Can Innovation Be Learned?
Or are truly creative people born with something special? Clayton Christensen discusses his latest book, The Innovator's DNA, which analyzes the traits of CEOs who have disrupted their industries
Read More »The DNA–People, Processes, And Philosophies–Of Innovative Companies
In the new book The Innovator's DNA, authors Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, and Clayton Christensen discuss the three things that set companies steeped innovation apart from the thousands of other companies doing business. Drawing on a sample of companies that lead both lists, we dove deeply into the practices of some of the world's most innovative companies
Read More »IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine’s Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time
One human's genome represents a large chunk of data. Put a lot of genomes together and it starts to become unmanageable
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