During the week of February 6-10, 2012, some extremely weighty matters were in progress at NIST’s non-magnetic facility, where PML researchers hosted an international gravimeter shoot-out with potentially momentous consequences for the impending redefinition of the kilogram.
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Feed SubscriptionColossal magnetoresistance occurs when nanoclusters form at specific temperatures
(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador have found that, at just the right temperatures, nanoclusters form and improve the flow of electrical current through certain oxide materials.
Read More »The Top 10 Marketing Sites For Social Media Marketing Trends
Recently, the Pivot Conference team set out to learn more about the state of social advertising and the future ahead by conducting an industry survey of 230 brand managers, executives, and marketing professionals. We will release the full report during the week of July 25th. Not all of the insights we learned will make it into the final report
Read More »How Groupon Funders Find Their Next Investment: "Office Hours"
Every week, the guys who funded the daily-deals powerhouse Groupon toss out a lottery ticket of sorts and let six completely unvetted entrepreneurs come in and pitch them. They’re calling it “Office Hours,” and while they’re hoping it will help them find the next big thing, they also believe it will simply play a role in juiceing up the entrepreneurial community in their home base of Chicago, which, they say, will produce long-term benefits of its own.
Read More »Electornic Gadgets Before Bed Can Hinder Sleep
The National Sleep Foundation released the results of its annual sleep poll today, where they surveyed more than 1,500 people between ages of 13 and 64. Here are some of the findings:
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