The hunt for elusive neutrinos will soon get its largest and most powerful tool yet: the enormous KM3NeT telescope, currently under development by a consortium of 40 institutions from ten European countries. Once completed KM3NeT will be the second-largest structure ever made by humans, after the Great Wall of China, and taller than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai… but submerged beneath 3,200 feet of ocean!
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Feed SubscriptionOceans Teem With Tiny Plastic Particles
Swirls of trashed plastic litter the seven seas. But it's not the enormous plastic patches that pose the biggest pollution problem
Read More »Shedding new light on supernova mystery
( -- Physicists have a new theory on the mysterious mechanism that causes the explosion of massive, or core, stars. These ‘Type II supernovae’, the term given to exploding core stars, are huge and spectacular events – intriguing because for a short time they emit as much light as is normally produced by an entire galaxy
Read More »‘Youngest’ Dinosaur Fragment Sparks Dispute Over Gradual Extinction Theory
By Zo
Read More »Fukushima Health Risks Scrutinized
By Declan Butler of Nature magazine Even as the damaged reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station continue to leak radiation, researchers have begun laying the groundwork for studies that will look for any long-term effects on public health. Academic scientists face major obstacles as they try to collate baseline data on radiation doses in the face of the enormous disruption caused by the earthquake and tsunami that hit the country last month.
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