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From the shadows to the spotlight to the dustbin – the rise and fall of GFAJ-1

Six months ago a paper appeared on the Science Express pre-publication site of the prestigious journal Science . It came from a group of NASA-funded researchers, accompanied by the full NASA publicity hoopla, but it was harshly criticized by other researchers, with almost all agreeing that it was so seriously flawed that it should never have been published

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A Quick Fix to the Food Crisis

When food prices rose steeply in 2007 and climaxed in the winter of 2008, politicians and the press decried the impact on the billion or so people who were already going hungry. Excellent growing weather and good harvests provided temporary relief, but prices have once again soared to record heights

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Voyager 1 Reaches Surprisingly Calm Boundary of Interstellar Space

By Geoff Brumfiel of Nature magazine Seventeen and a half billion kilometers from Earth, mankind's most distant probe seems to be on the edge of interstellar space. The Voyager 1 spacecraft is at the limit of the 'heliosheath', where particles streaming from the Sun clash with the gases of the galaxy. [More]

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Thank you, Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife

Today is the end of a series of dispatches we posted on our Expeditions blog - The 'Problems Without Passports' program at USC takes two experienced instructors and a number of students to do underwater research on the islands of Guam and Palau. I have immensely enjoyed working with the group and reading their posts and I hope you did, too. The posts, about half written by the instructors and half by students, covered a range of angles - from geography to politics, from history to policy, from ecology to conservation, as well as both educational and personal experiences from the trip.

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Stricter Regulation of Formaldehyde Remains Uncertain Despite Carcinogen Ruling

Late last week, the Department of Health and Human Services classified formaldehyde as "a known carcinogen," adding its verdict to two similar reports released by key agencies since 2009. But despite the growing scientific consensus about how formaldehyde can affect human health, it remains to be seen if the studies will lead to tighter U.S. formaldehyde regulations.

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How Physics Limits Brain Power

Just as shrinking transistors makes computers more powerful, brains with smaller components could in principle pack in more power and become faster. Human neurons, however--and in particular, their long “tails,” called axons--may already be at (or close to) their physical limit.

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The Nose Knows: How Malaria Mosquitoes Sniff Out Human Targets [Slide Show]

Scientists have never fully understood how mosquitoes distinguish the smell of human breath and sweat from other odors in nature. To learn more, molecular biologist John Carlson at Yale University and colleagues relied on a mutant strain of fruit fly. Each of a series of mosquito genes that code for smell receptors was transplanted, individually, into the fruit flies, which have an "empty" smell-detecting neuron lacking smell receptors

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Harvest of Fears: Farm-Raised Fish May Not Be Free of Mercury and Other Pollutants

Dear EarthTalk : I thought “farm raised” was the way to go when buying fish, to avoid mercury contamination. But are there other concerns about farm-raised that make some fish a poor choice for good health? What are the safest fish to buy and which should be avoided

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Obama, Campaigning on Clean Energy, Champions LED Bulbs

President Obama emphasized advances in efficient lighting yesterday in a campaign narrative that connects his clean energy goals with American job growth. He visited election-important North Carolina to underscore the improvements to light-emitting diode (LED) technology since his last presidential campaign in 2008 -- when he appeared at Cree Inc. for the first time, a few months before capturing the state's Electoral College votes

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In Iceland, The Crowd Takes A Shot At "We The People"

The same country that helped give Bjork her voice hands over its guiding document to everyday citizens. But at its heart, the experiment in social media confuses democracy with transparency, a leading expert in participatory government tells Fast Company

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