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Power Outages at Japan’s Fukushima Plant, Cooling Continues

TOKYO (Reuters) - The operator of a crippled Japanese nuclear plant said on Wednesday it had experienced power outages at two of its reactors but it was able to continue the cooling process to bring them under control. Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said it was investigating the power outages at its No. 1 and No

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8 Tips on Social Blogging

Heres how to use social blogging, a combination of microblogs (short posts) and status updates, to increase your visibility, improve your search engine results, drive more traffic to your company's website, and potentially increase sales. When people are looking for a product or service, oftentimes they will first look for information about the subject on the Internet. In general, blogging is about having conversations in a public space that position you as a subject matter expert

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Excessive Jellyfish Excrement Boosts Bacteria, Stings Fish Populations

Jellyfish blooms might be more than just a nuisance to beach-goers. These explosions of stinging swarms might also be doing some major disruption to marine food webs , according to a study published online June 6 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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U.S. EPA Demands Extensive Review of Oil Sands Pipe

By Timothy Gardner and Ayesha Rascoe WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency raised new concerns about TransCanada Corp's proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline that would bring oil sands crude from Canada to refineries in Texas. [More]

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Help find the first pristine interstellar dust particles ever brought to Earth [More]

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Energy Agency Projects ‘Golden Age of Gas’ Tied to Shale Boom

Vast newly discovered natural gas resources and the expectation that demand for the fuel will rise substantially in fast-growing economies are ushering in a "Golden Age of Gas," according to the Paris-based International Energy Agency. Ratcheting up its projections about natural gas consumption, an IEA report yesterday said gas's share of the global energy mix will surpass coal's in the next two decades and by 2035, gas demand will increase by more than 50 percent

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Nearly 200 Poor Communities Awarded $76 Million to Clean Up, Redevelop Industrial Sites

In Augusta, Maine, an old paper mill that operated for more than a century will be turned into a new hotel and conference center. In Chicago, soil and ground water polluted with dry-cleaning solvents will be cleaned up to make room for a new library in a poor neighborhood. [More]

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Arookoo, The Depressing App That "Makes Walking Fun"

The gamification trend--and American laziness--has reached its absolute nadir. Every empire has its moments of decadence before its ultimate collapse. Those denizens of Easter Island cut down every last tree, ruining themselves

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Island States Hint at Climate Talks Compromise

By Gerard Wynn BONN, Germany (Reuters) - Small island states, at risk from rising seas due to climate change, hinted on Tuesday at a compromise in order to kick-start U.N. talks on reaching a binding deal to curb global warming.

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Simply Brilliant Science: Creating Healthier Eggs for a Healthier You

When Omega Eggs (eggs containing Omega fatty acids) first appeared on the mass market in the early 2000s I had this bizarre image in my head of a semi-crazed scientist extracting the yolk with a giant syringe, swirling it about in a beaker with a neon blue solution to extract the bad fat, injecting it with Omega fatty acids and then placing it carefully back inside the eggshell.

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