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Rain And Temperature Predict Cholera Risks

Bad blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are predictors for future health problems. You won’t definitely have a heart attack, for example, but your risk is higher. Now researchers have developed a similar-style early warning system for the public health of an entire region.

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New York State Sues Federal Government over Gas Drilling

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York State sued the U.S. government on Tuesday to demand a ban on gas drilling in the Delaware River Basin until an environmental impact study has been conducted to protect New York City's water supply. The Delaware River Basin Commission has proposed rules that would allow up to 18,000 gas wells within the basin -- which sits in Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, and includes parts of New York City's watershed.

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More than 75 percent of the planet's flowering plants depend on pollinators (mostly insects) in order to reproduce.

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Citizen Scientists and Social Media Aim to Help Prevent Frog Extinctions

Around the world, frogs and other amphibians are disappearing due to habitat loss, climate change, pollution and the deadly chytrid fungus , which has already driven a few dozen species into extinction. But with critical information on many species still lacking, scientists can only go so far when trying to help save those in crisis. [More]

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An Epidemic of False Claims

False positives and exaggerated results in peer-reviewed scientific studies have reached epidemic proportions in recent years.

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Hunger Crisis Worsens, Food System Broken: Oxfam

By David Brough LONDON (Reuters) - Food prices could double in the next 20 years and demand will soar as the world struggles to raise output via a failing system, international charity Oxfam said Tuesday, warning of worsening global hunger. [More]

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