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Projects in Profusion: A Skeptical Look at 3 Wild Fusion-Energy Schemes

When it comes to radical energy solutions , an extreme long shot is a nuclear power scheme that would combine fusion and fission. Existing nuclear plants all run on fission, the splitting of heavy nuclei such as uranium, to produce power--not to mention tons of hazardous waste

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Electron Perfectly Round to One Part in a Million Billion, Experiment Finds

By Edwin Cartlidge of Nature magazine Now that's precision measurement: the electron is a perfect sphere, give or take barely one part in a million billion. The result comes from the latest in a long line of experiments to probe the shape of the fundamental particle that carries electrical charge. [More]

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Three Myths about Surviving a Tornado [Video]

What should you do when you hear a tornado warning and have only minutes to act? Our friends at AccuWeather.com have produced this short (1:15) video explaining common misconceptions. [More]

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Alzheimer’s Moment: Researchers Shore Up Antibody Effectiveness Against the Disease

The search for ways to prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease has been stymied in part by difficulties in reliably delivering therapeutics into the brain to prevent proteins there from depositing fibrous plaques that damage synapses and ultimately wreck one's cognitive abilities. Researchers have experimented with antibodies, peptides and even nanoparticles to find some way of effectively preventing plaque formation but these efforts have yet to yield an anti-Alzheimer's drug.

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Debate Continues on Smart Grid Benefits versus Massive Costs

Deployment of smart grid technology from U.S. utility control centers and power networks to consumers' homes could cost between $338 billion and $476 billion over the next 20 years, but will deliver $1.3 trillion to $2 trillion in benefits over that period. The benefits will include greater grid reliability, integration of solar rooftop generation and plug-in vehicles, reductions in electricity demand, and stronger cybersecurity, according to a new study by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).

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The South Pacific Islands Survey–We’re in the Cook Islands!

Today we saw land for the first time in days! Everyone was on deck together, untying the lines, taking photos and waving to the crew aboard a container ship that was docked in the marina. Stepping on land was wonderful, although I still feel like I’m swaying back and forth.

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So You Want to Live Forever?

Editor's Note: The following blog post first appeared May 19 on the World Science Festival's Web site. Most people look for the key to postponing old age in mega-antioxidant-loaded juices, extreme exercise regimens, or expensive skin creams

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The Early Days of Eugenics

Editor's note: This editorial was written and published in 1911. Although our editors of a century ago pondered some lofty aspirations for the orderly future of humans, it was only three decades later that the brutal reality of a Nazi social order suffused with a eugenicist ideal brought home the practical shortcomings of the philosophy. The Science of Breeding Better Men [More]

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