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Nanoparticles Enlisted to Impede Alzheimer’s-Inducing Brain Plaque

Nanoparticles have been investigated in recent years as tools for defending the brain against neurotoxic proteins that may contribute to the onset of several different neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease . Such proteins, in particular amyloid-beta peptides, are thought to play a role depositing fibrous plaques on the brain that damage synapses (the contact points between neurons) and lead to a decline in cognitive capabilities .

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RNA Editing to Create ‘Acquired Characteristics’ Appears Common

By Erika Check Hayden of Nature magazine All science students learn the 'central dogma' of molecular biology: that the sequence of bases encoded in DNA determines the sequence of amino acids that makes up the corresponding proteins. [More]

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Wisconsin Bat Monitoring Program

As deadly white-nose syndrome moves toward Wisconsin's borders, citizens are called upon to help investigate the threat through the collection of data about these nocturnal insectivores [More]

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Details of Japan Earthquake Explain Its Extraordinary Strength and Unexpectedness

On March 11, the seafloor 130 kilometers off Japan's eastern coast slipped more than 20 meters beneath the crust that makes up the Pacific plate, pulling the island nation as much as 4.3 meters closer to California and its coast 66 centimeters down. In fact, the first geologic sensors on the seafloor, which happen to lie near the center of the Tohoku-oki quake , as it is now formally called based on the closest regions of the island nation to the quake's epicenter offshore, registered a shift of some 24 meters east-southeast and an uplift of three meters at that point

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Earth Unplugged: How Effective Are Energy-Efficiency Policies without Voluntary Conservation?

Dear EarthTalk : With all the talk of the need for safe, renewable energy sources, isn’t the elephant in the room really that we should use far less energy than we do? Wouldn’t more rules about conservation (like not leaving commercial building lights on all night) make the challenges easier?

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LinkedIn Goes Public

The LinkedIn IPO, Mark Pincus and Zynga, elevator pitch obsolescence, and more entrepreneur news. LinkedIn is worth more than Fiji

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Indonesia Finally Signs Forest Clearing Moratorium

By Olivia Rondonuwu JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inked into law on Thursday a two-year moratorium on new permits to clear primary forests, part of a $1 billion deal with Norway that could spur projects to cut emissions and slow expansion of plantations. [More]

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