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Patent Watch: Registering Impacts in Sports

Masters of the martial art of Tae Kwon Do have gotten so lightning-quick that even a team of four judges placed around a competition ring can have a hard time keeping up.

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Why Bayes Rules: The History of a Formula That Drives Modern Life

Google has a small fleet of robotic cars that since autumn have driven themselves for thousands of miles on the streets of northern California without once striking a pedestrian, running a stoplight or having to ask directions. The cars’ ability to analyze enormous quantities of data--from cameras, radar sensors, laser-range finders--lies in the 18th-century math theorem known as Bayes’ rule.

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America’s Climate Choices Are Narrowing

In 1959 physicist Gilbert Plass warned in Scientific American that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was causing climate change. In 1965 President Lyndon Johnson warned Congress of the risk . In 1979 the U.S

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How To Be Persuasive

Want to convince with your gift of gab? Sales people are hip to the tricks, stating everything as a question and doing more listening than yapping.

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Hospital-Acquired Infections: Beating Back the Bugs

It is the ultimate paradox of American health care: going to the hospital can kill you. Every year nearly two million hospital-acquired infections claim roughly 100,000 lives and add $45 billion in costs; that is as many lives and dollars as taken by AIDS, breast cancer and auto accidents combined.

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The South Pacific Islands Survey–South Pacific Flotsam

We started trawling! The tide of seasickness has passed and the crew was up early this morning getting ready to deploy the high-speed trawl. The trawl looks like a manta ray and collects samples from the surface of the ocean through a fine mesh net attached to the trawl’s metal "mouth." The sampling net will collect anything in its path, usually plastic fragments and plankton.

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Sugar Flushes Out Hidden Microbes

Used to be that sick kids got lollypops after a visit with the doctor. But in some cases candy can be more than a reward--it can be part of the therapy. Because scientists have found that, in battling chronic infections, sugar can boost the effectiveness of antibiotics

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That Sinking Feeling: How Can Flood Protection Be Improved? [Slide Show]

Rain continues to fall (as it has for the past month) in record-breaking amounts across the middle Mississippi and Ohio river valleys, swelling the two waterways and their tributaries. As some residents evacuate and others await word on whether they must flee, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is considering its increasingly limited options for containing a major catastrophe already washing away homes and farmland

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How Viral PDFs Of A Naughty Bedtime Book Exploded The Old Publishing Model

The party line on piracy is that it's bad for business. But what to make of the case of "Go the Fuck to Sleep," the "children's book for adults" whose viral-pirate PDF launched the book to the number-one spot on Amazon.com a month before its release? Something remarkable happened today.

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World Health Organization to Decide Fate of Smallpox Stocks

By Declan Butler of Nature magazine Health ministers from the World Health Organization's (WHO's) 193 member states will next week debate when to destroy the two last known remaining stocks of the virus that causes smallpox, a scourge that was eradicated in 1980. Many scientists argue, however, that the variola stocks should be maintained, perhaps indefinitely

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