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America’s "Island of Enchantment": Environmental Hazards and Hope in Puerto Rico

Its nickname is "Isla del Encanto," or "Island of Enchantment," and on the surface, Puerto Rico seems to fulfill every paradisiacal promise made about it by glossy travel magazines. The 111 x 36 mile island has a remarkable range of geological, biological, and habitat diversity, including a rain forest, a dry forest, mangroves, karst formations, three bioluminescent bays, and one of the largest underground cave systems in the world.

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Bring Science Home: Yeast Alive!

Editor-in-Chief Mariette DiChristina and her daughters inflate a balloon with yeast, the tiny organisms that make bread rise in the oven.

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Human Brains Are Optimally Tuned for the Visual Hunt

Why is it that most of us are able to track down the tiny sketch of a be-spectacled cartoon man wearing a striped shirt and a funny hat--in the midst of a busy scene filled with distractions and look-alikes? [More]

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Rival Anthropologists Donald Johanson and Richard Leakey Reunite after 30-Year Rift

On May 5 famed paleoanthropologists Donald Johanson and Richard Leakey convened at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City to discuss human origins. It is the first time Leakey and Johanson--longtime rivals--have shared a stage since a public falling out in 1981. Viewers in the live audience and those who tuned in to the webcast tweeted the discussion and uploaded photos to Facebook, so I decided to use Storify to document this historic event.

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Know Thyself

We humans are introspective. We observe patterns of our own behavior and we have memories for review.

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IBM Smarter City Classes Seek Solutions For Emergency Rooms, Public Transit, And "The Crotch"

IBM has announced the 50 recipients of its “Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Awards” and $10,000 grants for designing classes geared toward the technologies, markets, and applications in which IBM has a vested interest. Including one particularly gnarly Chicago transit hub. On Thursday, technology giant IBM announced the 50 recipients of its inaugural “ Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Awards ,” in essence a $10,000 grant for designing classes geared toward the technologies, markets, and applications in which IBM has a vested interest--urban transportation and health care apps, for example.

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Rescuers Fight to Save Stranded Pilot Whales

By Pascal Fletcher MIAMI (Reuters) - Wildlife experts and volunteers in the Florida Keys have rescued seven of a group of pilot whales stranded in shallow waters and are using boats and a helicopter to locate more of the animals, officials said on Friday. [More]

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Street Wise: New Labs in 9 Cities to Focus on Improving Urban Life [Slide Show]

NEW YORK CITY--The Big Apple may not be as gritty today as it was even a decade ago, but it--and several other large urban areas worldwide--could benefit from a deeper examination of how it can better meet the needs of its nearly 8.4 million inhabitants .

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