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Trust Me, I’m a Scientist

A friend of mine has long held that a vaccination his son received as an infant triggered his child’s autism. He clings to this belief despite a string of scientific studies that show no link between autism and vaccines. When the original paper on such a link was recently discredited as a fraud, my friend’s reaction was that it will now be more difficult to persuade people of the dangers of vaccination.

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Wolves Lose Out to Politics, Removed from Endangered Species List

In an abbreviated, terse press conference on Wednesday, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will propose removing gray wolves ( Canis lupus ) from the endangered species list in the northern Rockies and the western Great Lakes. [More]

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May the Fourth be with You!

As many science fiction fans out there already know, today is known as Star Wars Day . May 4 is a date that makes a clever wordplay on the popular movie quote, so fans everywhere are telling their friends, "May the Fourth be with you." We at AccuWeather.com decided to take a look at the climates on the many different locations in the Star Wars Universe.

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Ask the Experts: What Does Bin Laden’s Death Mean to Us and Society?

The death of Osama bin Laden elicited many different types of responses and feelings--triumph, sorrow and anger among them. Each of us, as individuals, is capable of having conflicting feelings about the death of the al Qaeda leader, depending on how we happen to see ourselves at any given moment--as parents, spouses, workers, Americans, and so forth. The variety of our responses reveals the subtle and powerful forces surrounding social identity: how we relate to different groups and roles, which is changeable and influenced by circumstances

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Possum-killing poison helps protect New Zealand parrot

An endangered New Zealand parrot known as the kaka ( Nestor meridionalis ) has had a much-needed population boost after poisons were used to kill introduced possums, stoats and rodents in Waitutu Forest Common brush-tailed possums ( Trichosurus vulpecula ) were introduced to New Zealand from Australia in 1870 for their fur and meat, but they overran the islands, threatening the country's native fauna, which evolved without any mammalian predators. A survey six years ago indicated that so many female kaka were being killed by possums that the birds were at risk of extinction in Waitutu Forest. [More]

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China Unveils Its Space Station

By David Cyranoski of Nature magazine The International Space Station (ISS) is just one space-shuttle flight away from completion, but the construction boom in low-Earth orbit looks set to continue for at least another decade.

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This Is How The World Reacted To Osama Bin Laden’s Death

Social media analysis firm Crimson Hexagon sifts the data to reveal a nuanced emotional reaction to the historic day. Nearly 50% of us responded to the news with fear, humor, or reflection. From Crimson Hexagon, the social media analysis firm that dispelled the myth of the Verizon iPhone exodus and Sharon Angle's 2010 Senate sweep , comes a truer-to-life snapshot of the world's reaction to Osama Bin Laden's death

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Cloud Computing

Scientific American examines cloud computing, a network-centric approach to delivering information and services [More]

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